Fox is still overpowered

When Russia can get one running at their own victory parades


Its brake came on lol, drove off on its own.

Would the fox be an issue in a new game that only started in 6-7BR with no tier below? Cut the game in half and have WW2 and early Post war heavies in the bottom half and the latest and greatest in the top half.

End one at 6BR and start the other in 6BR. Move all the 6BR Artillery into the the top division and later fast Italian stuff as well.

You could then have all the light fast 70s and 80s stuff and upset nobody in a WW2 mood. Have Isreal in the Top division and any other newer tree like Turkey ,Taiwan or Brazil with no WW2 ties or expectation.

Nobody would care about the fox then or any other vehicle like it .We could shave the Scimitar or Scorpion and we could have so many 6BR modern vehicles without ruining the WW2 canon or meat or whatever you call it.

We tried capped BRs some time ago in Air RB. It didn’t work well, because there were some planes locked out from downtiers (I’m talking MiG-19, J32) that couldn’t see what are your current 9.0s and 9.3s, and were always facing MiG-21SMTs and such and such, whereas there were jets (the Lightning F.6 was the most egregious, but there were others) who because they were below that cap, got mostly/exclusively downtiers, and practically ruined every match.

I imagine if you’ve been around long enough you might just about remember it (if not, or just can’t remember, be not offended!) but it wasn’t well liked, and so Gaijin binned it off.


I guess the only solution that could work to fix that “issue” would be Air Sim brackets for both ground and air RBs

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where you have allotted days where the block was on and off?

Essentially. Perhaps have it change daily rather than every other day. But in essence, each day, different vehicles would be meta. Old tanks that are DOA because they only ever saw uptiers could instead see downtiers again.

And uptiers become a choice not random chance


Well how sad, I wonder when the Fox with Milan will come “evil laughing

I get that ,I’m just talking two divisions straight like 1-6 BR in one and 6-12 in the other for example

How vehicles are separated and what goes where is up for debate but that is the starting point.

The focus and discussion here is the Fox(but it could be many vehicles or potential future vehicles) and assuming the fox is fine but its impact is the focus then what I am saying which is essentially era separation is the issue and maybe the answer, if that makes sense.

Imagine if nothing existed below 7 BR would the fox be such a problem?

Would fast ,cold war vehicles with more destructive ammo be any kind of issue in this game? Making the Fox work is about moving it away form the WW2 meta which in reality it also has no place.

So many posts and complaints in this game now indicate that era separation is not just about old men with a WW2 fixation it is about game play and the game working or not working.

Certainly I think the devs need to think more about the impact their decisions make in the long term and across a broader perspective.

Yes… people will always complain about it. Even at top tier.

Just the issue of split Eras, is how the hell is something like a Tiger 2 ever meant to be balanced? IRL it was like 5 Shermans vs 1 Tiger 2.

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What do you think the Tiger faces in its own BR? Imagine if the we only had 6BR and nothing else.How is the Tiger balanced there? what does the USA line up have like the Tiger in 6BR? What do the Swedes or the British have?

You are kind of knee jerking into the default forum response to a split game.

How do you imagine the game worked when most of what we have now didn’t exist? Can you tell me the game only works now and it didn’t ten years ago or eight years ago.

This is about the Fox swimming in a sea that is right for it not existing during late WW2.

This is a moot point to what I am suggesting.

This is quite frankly the worst thing you could do and would just make a ton of other problems. WT does not balance by year of introduction so WW2 stuff is going to see cold war stuff and people need to get used to that idea.

Forget year of introduction.


It is a legitamte question though. The Tiger II (H) is 6.7 and is a WW2 tank

as britain main, what 6.7 tanks do we have that are from WW2 (or close enough) and equal to the Tiger II (H)

Centurion was 1946 and 6.0
Charioteer was 1952 and 6.0
FV4202 was 1954-ish and is 7.3

I think maybe only the Tortoise was actually WW2 era and could possibly actually fight a Tiger II (H).

So what would a split era game actually look like. What would a ground line-up look like for a nation like Britain. Would it just basically stop at 5.3 ish with the odd exception above it? What would something like a Tiger II (H) actually face or it would it just be a limited handful of tanks?

It is a legitmate question and one that I think is a perfectly reasonable concern.

At 7.7 it would only see WW2 in a full downtier. As it is, its probably over BRed for a vehicle with no stabilised sights and barely lower than the Warrior Milan


Nobody is talking year of introduction so take that elsewhere

What you are suggesting would do just that…

tbh we should have stopped at 1953 and left it at that but hey ho here we are.

Nothing that gets said in this topic is going to change the game anyhow xD

Nothing stops the Centurion going up to 6.3 or the Tiger 2 dropping to 6.3 in this game so how different are they?

Now think about all the gaps we have to deal with in this game where we have nothing, like Israel ? Think of the M51 on its own for so long.How offensive and game breaking was that? Does it stop people playing Israel? No It does not so this thing you tell me could never work and never be has actually been in practice for a long time now and Gaijin seemingly have zero issue with it.

This has never been a balanced game and two tiers would change nothing.

As I said who would care about the Fox then .The two metas need to be free on each other to move forward.That is assuming the Fox is even an issue which I am sure to many it is not.

There are many big nations waiting to come into the game many of which must surely start at 6BR ,we need to stop with the old bullshit and think outside the box if we are to move forward and accommodate new and interesting vehicles.

So lets close the forum then.

Assuming for a moment that BR placement actually works, then surely the 6.0 Centurion is a lot weaker than the 6.7 Tiger II and unless you are proposing buffs for the Centurion and nerfs for the Tiger II. Isn’t that just massively unbalancd?

Just moving a vehicle from 1 BR to another doesnt magically change its performance.