Fox is still overpowered

it’d be fine if they had maps whose spawn are protected, and there are alternate routes out of spawn, but they shouldn’t just bin off all “sniping positions” - that’s daft by virtue of the fact you are always going to have desirable/less desirable bits of ground. There are going to be spots that are desirable for sniper/long range tanks where they have a good array of Sightlines, well concealed/camouflaged, etc etc

Planes doing the normal planes thing (ruining ground)

we found the vehicle that UniqueScorpions actually wants a scout car and not a slow APC
if it gets added it should be 3.7 because funny

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Its in the main post, but wierd its been scratched off there

Means the apds thing is cancled

Its in the main post

so it means that they are going to have to break all 30 mm lol

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Basically. I guess Fox, Falcon and Warrior are all about to be massively nerfed.


just give it the L21A1 APFSDS then hehe

Sounds like all small caliber APDS, not just 30mm.

Massively might be a bit of an exaggeration. It depends on how much of a reduction in pen we see. If its still around 100mm at point blank then it’s not a huge deal.

More over if it’s affecting all small caliber APDS like they indicated there’s a decent chance the it will get cancelled entirely either because the rammifications are too wide spread or due to sheer pushback from the community at large once the full implications are known.


fox with 70 mm of penetration still out performing the BTR 80
still think that they did the recalculation then they got more penetration out of it

Tbf if they give it less flat pen but more spalling i’ll actually be more pleased, as long as i can 1 shot things while side on then i’ll still be happy.

Also this goes back to one of my earlier points, they physically can’t nerf the fox because of how well it’s been modelled, if they nerf the pen then literally every other 30mm APDS round must get nerfed alongside it, Including your precious BTR

So are gaijin going to change (and presumably) nerf all low caliber APDS?

If so, this is such an unneeded change. Just keep them as they are now and if they are overperforming move them up in BR, all this will do is make IFVs really frustrating to play.

Keep in mind that this will also nerf stuff like the BTR, BMP, Bradley etc… which already struggle to kill tanks with their autocannons


1 guy complaining, about 20 guys trying to explain why that 1 guy is wrong

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including this, which was pretty wild

Yeah, realised that during typing, point still stands tho towards that lost individual


Yep, though he also has a thread where he wanted the Su-24 to get 6x R-73s and remain at 11.3 because A-10C was 11.3 with 4x Aim-9M and he reckons 2x R-77s on the Su-39 would be perfectly balanced at 12.0.




Says all i need to know lmao

that would be funny, but I don’t see it happening.

My Kd in the fox says your wrong… so sure if you want to keep saying incorrect things, go ahead.

Go ahead and ask people in chat in games, 98% of people say they despise the fox immensely.