Type 99 at 7.3 has paper armor that can be penned by even 50cal and slow turret traverse, Type 87 (P) is a 7.7 unarmored armored car that’s huge as a house with the same 20mm you get with the SUB-I-II at 5.3, and M47 is just a typical MBT for its tier.
One of the above is a glass cannon, the other is an autocannon IFV, and the third is the most common vehicle type for that BR. All three aren’t perfect counters, but most vehicles should be good as long as you keep an eye out.
I’m so happy that the btr turret traverse at max is 30 degrees per sec, so all that fire rate doesn’t account for much, especially if the Leo gassed it.
For context, no I didn’t get a nuke solely in the BTR before you say anything.
Most of my kills came from the ZSU & Aubl 74 HVG.
I think I got 2~3 in the btr on tanks that had absolutely no idea I was there since the sounds of war made it impossible to hear me. Little did I know that a Strv 104 can only be penned in the lower side hull by the btr
Fox is way too loud for its size lol even the idling can be heard in 50m range, and if someone uses headphone then you can’t expect him not to notice you sitting in a corner. The engine is very loud too, sounds like a V8 instead of inline 6.
I honestly dont get why people are comparing it to the btr at this point, if they took a second to see what it would be facing if they moved it to 8.0 they would soon realise the pt 76 57 is at 8.3. Ifu think an unstabilised 30mm without a lrf with a slow fire rate should be 0.3 away from a pt 76 57 then your smoking something.
Also, the btr is 7.3? Its a lower br than the fucking fox so can you finally stfu about it.
At what BR did you start using the fox? 7.0 or 7.7? Just curious, sorry if you said before but in 1100 posts its hard to keep up.
If at 7.7, I was slowly moving more and more to using the stock rounds, because simply you meet so many softer targets, the secondary effect is much more helpful to have I am finding, especially against BTRs and the like, and now after the AP/APHE buffs… yeah.
Side point: Was the APHE on the RARDEN always 53mm pen? IDK why but I thought it was higher lol.
I keep 2 mags of APHE loaded on top before the APDS for that same reason. Its most helpful in an early fight if you catch another light vehicle on the move but once you’ve reached your initial destination the APDS gives you the ability to fight things that the APHE simply cannot pen.
Doesn’t matter, hes going to be the reason it moves up again if he keeps playing… Im still surprised the tornado didnt get moved to 12.3 with the new changes as it certainly made it better, and gaijin dont like that for us.
Never, they would never add an experimental round that hasnt gone into service with unknown stats… oh wait. "s38s rounds make believe so anything’s possible.