FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

I thought AAM-4s could not be mounted on the wing stations, only LAU-106. So 4 max.

Them BRs are fine, but just because players like me like a slower method of gameplay shoudln;t mean that the whole top-end of the BR spectrum should be off limits, especcially as said lower BRs are compressed to hell where an uptier means living hell, i do enjoy flying planes at top tier, its just there there is just so much going on its hard to watch it all at once, just too much clutter.

And i am by far not the only one with this opinion

It’s F-15C MSIP II due to nose datalink antenna.


If we get the AIM-120A instead of the B, it will be very sad. And russia will have an advantage in tech by 3 years, again.

they are both the first model of their type, if it is realyl needed AIM-120B could be added quickly, just as the R-27ER was

lol AIM-120A and B have effectively the same range. B got more international sales though.
Both are R-77 equivalent.


It wasn’t needed though ^^"

The B has a better guidance system and was released in the same exact year the R-77 was. And if it’s so similar, why not add it, so people like me don’t have anything to whine about?


Since when 1st Service Year makes TECHNOLOGY EQUALITY?

this was back when the MiG-29 and F-16 FMs were buggd to hell, R-27ER came within a week IIRC of the patch release, but since the FMs were fixed its still a bit much, but currently they are about balanced, or alteast relatively easily counterable with how multipathing works

Yep, Churchill I and Tiger I first saw combat in 1942, one is much better

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L-150? Thank god.
Spo-15 on a 12.7 is barbaric

What? They were put in service in the same year. That makes them the closest technologically.

assuming, a lot may i quote

year of entry to service doesnt mean anything

That statement is so wrong,… so wrong that it makes me to currently spill my coffee in the workspace,…

Ok,… prove me that R-77A is more equal to AIM-120B than AIM-120A in terms of abilities through the whole panels of characteristics,… you have an entire week to do that.

The most advanced one here is PL-12, which has the same performance as R-77-1 and AIM-120C…

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and will also be on the worst platform (J-8F)

R-77 = 1994. AIM-120B = 1994. There. Proven.

Well they are adding the Su-27SMs so a chinesium flanker, J-11B, with PL-12 is possible

Year does not mean anything, it is what is tech wise that counts

the phrase “Advanced for its time” just dismantles that argument completely