FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

Air RB maps are more than double the range of ARHs in length.
16v16 is realistic, in-fact real wars have had larger engagements in Gulf and Vietnam.
Airbase requires forced random spawning in a mode without respawns, it’s easier and better to just force everyone to air spawn. Keep defending WT by calling all WT critics “white knights”.
Spawn point doesn’t determine furballs.
Bombers have bases, ground units, and airfields to engage.
Adding vehicles is the most expensive part of game development, once Gaijin is done they can lower their running costs.
Unlocking requirements lowered, foldered vehicles cost less.

Maps are slightly too big for 8v8. 80x80km would be good for 8v8.
Tournament sized maps for any playercounts that are less.

Oh, then top tier is dead, and I stop playing it. Assault arcade to spade the aircraft and then retire their use.

Due to AI limitations.

B-1 Lancer would be a good 9.7 - 10.0 bomber, easily survivable currently.

Removing packs is to declutter the store, that’s it. Has nothing to do with FOMO, and they almost always come back as GE vehicles.
Limited-time is once again keeping the store clean.
It’s to avoid choice-paralysis of players.
Pre-order? Eh. A nice-to-have decal sometimes, most of the time people just want it activated on launch day of the update.

its why you use the fog of the 16v16 to catch them offguard,


I really hope germany will get something else, if they get phantom as new ARH carrier it will be dead nation until next major lol

I’d say they’re perfect. You don’t want to see people going vertical off the runway, tossing their AMRAAMs, and running straight for home… because that’s what some F-14s do now on the small maps. You don’t want that. A bit more distance allows people to get themselves into position, maybe undetected, maybe not.


pretty typical for german air, always behind

Wouldn’t be surprised if top BR is still 12.7…

Their mig29 was pretty good tho

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THAT is why I love 16v16, it actually challenges my brain.
Whether it be in ground or air.

But that the same as saying

“Eat sh*t, 20 trillion flies can’t be wrong”

I am not trying to correct the Community, but gaijin should know better

yes but it was still added a patch late

Thats not even close to saying the same thing. The same thing would be everyone calling lip balm, Chap-stick or calling soda coke, or face tissue Kleenex. They are not the proper term but is commonly accepted as to what it is.

How So?

its different because its supersonic, bassically fills the same role as the buccaneer in air RB otherwise, Just above Mach

fair enough
but (for me atleast) i just browse through the tech tree to find it and click there, its no clutter to the tech tree, their already overbloated with premiums

and pre-orders is a different topic, the decal/camo is the only advantage, would be better to know what its like in the meta before buying, but thats where i differ, they i know its a “pre-order” but the camo/decal should be available for a day or few afterwards so people know what their getting, just like coonsole players and do until 2 weeks after the patch goes live

I also did forget to mention Event vehicles but the marketplacce is there but console does not have access to that

It is possible for J-10A to come out, but I think it may not be possible

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What else do you think they can add as ARH carrier?

Both are argumentum ad populum. The idea that something is correct because a lot of people think it is.

i’d rather a slower paced more skilled pace of combat, not FIRE MISSILE FIRE MISSILE, FLARE FLARE, and hten get hit by someone 5km away that i didn’t see amongst the 5 other enemies in the current top tier meta you don’t rely on knowing the advantages or disadvantages of your airframe, the missile kit has more weight, on battle performance than flight performance,

but this is where Air RB EC should be brought up again, current air RB suits you, Theoretical ARB EC is what would suit players like me

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We will not add any new aircraft to China, and in the new environment, China is the country with the worst combat effectiveness, which is GAIJIN’s consistent operation

Well… there is this aircraft type that’s rather slow, I think they use wood carved and metal molded into shapes attached to shafts for propulsion.
I want jets to remain a higher challenge than props.
If I ever feel top jets is overwelming, AKA beyond my skill level, I can always go back to my props, or slower jets.

What already presented in the game planes are going to get such missiles in the next update? Will every nation get such platform?

no one is arguing it is correct or not, its simply what people know them as. Trying to get everyone to stop calling them Fox 3 would be an impossible feat. Since the community calls them FOX 3 they make reference to it because of the community. If the community called them radar boom sticks, they would say also known as radar boom sticks.