FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

An AIM-120C-5 equivalent missile do be interesting.

They were mentioned in the previous forum news.
Nice lie.

Is that in addition to IR missiles?

A majority of people in the WT community calls them fox 3 missiles, i think that what they mean when they said “also known as”. When you see a post even on Youtube its refereed to as “FOX-3 missile” and not the AHR missile that it technically is. At this point trying to correct what the community calls them is like trying to unsink a boat.


Nothing said about any actual changes, only the Devs had “noted” them. So I’m still technically right, because Gaijin haven’t actually actioned said feedback.

Moreover, no such mention here

16 v 16 isnt realistic and even if it was - This is a video game and supposed to be fun. Thats too big a playercount for the game mechanics to be fair and balanced.

too hard to code new airbases - They literally did this for enduring confrontation. Stop defending shitty game decisions. Companies dont need you to be their white knight.

Furballs are player decision - No. Theres two spawn points, opposite each other. You will always meet headon.

Bombers still have no place in the game.

Tornado F.3 in an uptier will face 12.3

The maps are small as fuck.

The gameplay hasnt changed. Its still spawn on one airfield, fly in, deathmatch, new game.

All of War Thunders attention and marketting is on modern aircraft. New players will need to shell out £70 to have the “pleasure” of grinding to finally play the game they thought they were going to play, or spend a year or more doing it for free.

the grind for air is faster, but the requirements for unlocking things has also risen. Its still a ballache.

DCS is a different engine, different company, different model, they wont be 1:1


The only way to implement it currently is to re-activate legacy maps for smaller matches, and keep the current rotation of maps for 16v16.

No, in other words; eight missiles maximum.

AAM-4B is C-5 equivalent (with the seeker being superior to any C). Base AAM-4 is in between AIM-120B and C-5.

I mean I’d much rather smaller game sizes but even then, the map sizes in the playtest basically meant that you could get position just about, but the map size was made unworkable by having too many players. Keep the current maps, go 8v8.

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not as far as i know. you can fire them at a location and if you loose TWS they just continue blind towards expected intercept hoping to find something with their radar. you are no longer guiding them at that point.

I think it’s impossible. All countries have excellent missiles and new aircraft, and China only has one J-8F that has a significantly weakened version of the PL-12 and then fights with others, right?

This is amazing news gaijin! however, please for the love of god, give us new, bigger maps for these missiles or decrease the maximum number of players per team to 8v8, its gonna be an unbearable clusterfuck game mode if you keep the maps and the players per team as it is right now


that’s not “the only way”. you can also do separate matchmaking for top tier that has smaller teams.

and is already done

i cannot remember i last saw a 16v16 aircraft fight in the modern era, besides warthunder is a game, 16v16 is overwhelming, if people want that play arcade

that and just a general overhaul

incentivised by gaijin, all objectives in the centre, bases in the centre, base bombing the only lreal “easy” way to progress in air, not helped by the F-4S and other premium base bombers.

I think me means things like the B1, Vulcan, B-52 and the such, all of which will be hopeless in current meta, F-111 is a Fighter-Bomber

actually been quite fun since 12.7 came, worst you see is the MiG-29/F-16, and they are easily dealt with by a SUPERTEMP to forehead,

Quite large actually shame gaijin only used 10% of them

they are the same aircraft, expect it

unique ones on sale, removing packs, Limited time packs, Pre-order packs, that stuff

We need a dualing mode with random matchmaking and rewards, would be an easy addittion, or Air RB EC, where smaller teams and EC maps allow for this to happen in a less clinical setting

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I do have a habit of carrying thigns further than they need to reasonably go

J-10 is probably likely…

irl, you don’t. Apart from anything else you rarely have 16v16 without support assets but that’s by the by. Only examples I can think of that might do large player counts are DCS (which a) isn’t purely air to air, and b) has much much bigger maps) and maybe Falcon BMS? Never tried it so I don’t know.

provided said MiG-29 doesn’t slam dunk you with an R-27ER telephone pole of doom, or an Phoenix doesn’t get a lucky splash damage on you, then yeah. It’s also very, very funny to watch people in MiG-23s and F-14s forget they can sweep their wings and somehow you outrate them in a F.3.

Everyone will get new jet to grind for ARH, if they won’t find anything else then it will be J-10. I don’t know much about chinese jets but I don’t remember anything else that could fit current patch additions

Okay,the RU TT get SU27SM with R77, can chinese get J11A with R77 or J11B with PL12?

J-10A would be a resonable addition, i think
the only nation thats questionable is Germany i think as F-4F ICE probably won’t be up to snuff (despite what some people claim)

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