FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

you describe yourself.

i am not the one crying that my nations planes are so bad and hard done by in every thread :)
in fact i do not even main a particular nation

Thanks for proving my point that he was the only one.

Fighter-type, supersonic airframe slightly worse than F-16C, AIM-9Ms… 3 factors.
“It’s above F-16C because of its countermeasure count.” - Me.

All you did was prove me sincere.

War Thunder and DCS use identical flight model systems for their aircraft.
They both simulate IR missiles extremely well.
DCS simulates radar a bit better, but that’s because of their 2023 development, before 2022 DCS simulated radar as-well as War Thunder does.

Without a premium account it does take ~3 months to finish an air or ground tree playing 2.2 hours per day.
It’s semi-slow, and faster than all other free to play games.

War Thunder’s current game has zero things from 2014. War Thunder’s oldest game mode currently is air arcade, which was updated in 2015.
The 2nd oldest game mode is ground arcade, which is from 2018.
Then sim EC which is from 2019.

War Thunder doesn’t “peddle shiny vehicles”.
The grind in WT is the fastest its ever been, this is well known to all veterans.

Why is it still 16v16, One airfield, no ground objectives that matter, and always turns into a furball that, unless you’re a fighter - You’re boned.

Where’s bombers?

Why do aircraft like Tornado F.3 have to fight aircraft that are far more lethal and advanced than it?

Why are the maps so small and have only one focal point in the middle?

The gameplay hasn’t changed since we were in ww2 props



Does this mean that we finally get the ability to TWS several targets at the same time?

Will the “bulldog” range be shown on the stat cards of the missiles?

Will there be a BR separation between FOX-3 capable aircraft and those that don’t (i.e. the new aircraft being BR 13.3 whilst current top is 12.0)?

Who said they would work any better than a sparrow. They will lose lock and fly off in different directions, only difference is you wont have to hold lock.

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you almost exclusively shill for “The West” my guy, even a cursory glance at your post history shows a dogmatic stance with no relation to facts. We’ve spoken many times before and you do nothing but shill and spew invective at any who contradict you. You do you.

you can’t even manage a positive K/D in the Su-27 yet you constantly cry how bad it is, while i have a 1.4K/D in it and i am not even a good player, i think maybe your issue with the aircraft lies between your keyboard and your chair instead of anything in the game

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in teh F-14 you can guide multiple phoenixes using multiple TWS locks, its just that i think only 1 of them locks is “in focus” at a time with the warthunder UI, idk how the inner workings work so thats my take

Do they pay you a bonus if you shine their boots after you lick them, too?

The gameplay loop hasn’t changed fundamentally since 2014.
The game still relies on FOMO and other predatory tactics to get you to spend money to progress
The grind for air is better, but by no means fun, fair or fast.
The grind for ground is abysmal dogshit
They do keep adding shiny new toys but have failed entirely to make the gameplay adapt to them- Power creep.

DCS and War Thunder also don’t use the same systems for flight modelling lmao its entirely different engines.




When you literally said the gripen was top because of it’s flares

What I actually did, not that you could tell, is prove your hypocrisy.

this is also demonstrating modern air combat in the movies vs modern air combat IRL

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What this’ll be is 16v16, 8 ARH missiles per plane, so 256 missiles flying across the map, a giant furball, and be about as fun as the rest of the game

16v16 because that’s realistic.
One airfield because coding in a random airspawn is hard.
Ground objective changes require an AI overhaul.
Furball is 100% player decision.
Bombers release often, Aardvark was literally released in October.
Tornado F3 is 11.3… not 12.0 as your post implies.
Maps aren’t small, the small maps were delisted 2 years ago.
Gameplay changed drastically, cause realistic battles exist now.

FOMO? lol The best vehicles in the game are free and unlockable, no FOMO.
The grind for ground is double the speed it was 5 years ago.
The grind for air is also the fastest its ever been.

F-16C in WT and DCS fly identically BTW.

AARH range is less than 1/4th the map size.

I love how you expect air RB to be arcade 1v1s vs being realistic.

Thanks for proving I’m consistent.

please read Alvis’ post thoroughly before responding

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you mean with premium not without.
i started US ground from zero about 2-2.5 months ago with premium and i have not yet unlocked ANY rank 8 vehicles.
i have an average placement of 68% in my team making me a bit above average in performance and thus RP gain.

they absolutely do not. WT lacks so many features of simulation that DCS does. they might have the same base, that i don’t actually know. but they are absolutely NOT “identical”.

Edit (to answer newer post):

it isn’t, most modern encounters are like 3-6 vs 3-6 jets. not all obviously, but most as pilots fly in groups of 2-3 generally.

it isn’t. you just add several invisible “normal” air spawns and choose randomly from them with a preferred spawn at one less congested. not that hard.

Air RB still have several relatively small maps when compared to the now achievable ranges with AHR missiles. you will almost every time be able to lock and launch as soon as you are in the air.

I apologize if my posts were perceived as harsh to you earlier.
I am suffering silent migraines this week and I can sometimes forget that I’m more irritable because of that.


I hope the devs are aware of its advantages over e.g. AIM-120A/B.


No mention of smaller match sizes I see… bravo Gaijin for not reading feedback again.