FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

with heavy fighters getting arh I don’t think we are getting too far off at least in my opinion from the typhoon

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Imo, the heavy fighters that are now coming will be “balanced” with the lighter fighters. Eurofighter’s problem is it takes all of the benefits of both lighter and heavier fighters, but none of the downside.

The lighter fighters typically have better radar, more countermeasures, better dogfighting performance, and better energy retention than the eventual Su-27SM which has more missiles.

Eurofighter will carry more missiles and have none of Su-27SM’s downsides.

I wouldn’t expect it soon by any means but we are definitely starting to etch into its potential addition i expect it sooner than i expect the Rafale depending on what missiles the typhoon would receive on addition.

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Yeah we’re getting there. Whats funny to consider is that we’re pretty much getting into the tail end of several platforms and we haven’t even gotten the first Rafale or Eurofighter yet. If we run out of Su-27 , F-15/16 variants to add, then what is left for them when Eurofighter and Rafale comes?


Other than radars and weapons yeah. Also of course the multirole and naval fighters but the significance those improvements will bring is up for debate.

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You cannot give something that isnt there.

Mig-29G model cannot guide R-77 due to having old radar system.

So with the implementation of Fox-3 homing missiles, will planes such as F104S.ASA be lowered in BR since they lack any maneuverability and access to these new armaments?


3 types of smoke (roughly)

Heavy smoke is caused by solid metal particulates such as aluminium which was commonly used in rocket motors. This occurs at all temperatures.

Medium smoke caused by HCl in the exhaust plume from AP oxidizers. This occurs below -10°F approximately.

Minimum smoke is caused by water vapor. This occurs roughly below -35°F

This is why “reduced smoke” and “smokeless” motors still have some trails in certain conditions.

For the most part though, with WT played 99% on the deck, reduced smoke/smokeless motors should be effectively entirely smokeless at most WT combat altitudes.

Afaik (though im not 100% clear on this) contrails only occur in a certain altitude band, in WT contrail altitude starts too low and has no upper limits. H²O trails should only occur within this band iirc.


Gaijins already shot that down, and its not on the leak list either.

I know the EFT isn’t coming I’m just saying it’s another thing they could add that has FOX-3s

When was this shot down btw? Last I saw it was mentioned Gen 4.5s we were not close to at the time, and that time was before the last update, like 3-4 months ago.

If that’s what you’re referring to, then we could be close now.

For example, Gen 4 for Japan was shot down back in December 2022, but then it came following update with the AJ.

Anyone know if they have commented on what variants of each missile we are getting?

Anyone realize how much fox 3s are going to change the game. Flying low won’t save you nearly as much as it does now. People will probably end up flying higher and having to notch. It will be crazy. You could be flying high and just see half your team get deleted by one guy. I’m not saying it is going to be a bad change but it will be a change. The only thing i’m worrying about is getting those jets that can carry them while fighting jets that can.

That is if they change multipath, currently they are just a harder to flare ET that requires a radar lock.

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I believe it is the most basic form of each one.

Well you could lose lock before the Multi pathing height and let the missile guide itself to the target.

That is only the case for the AIM-54 and the R-27ER since they had INS. Course, it will be expanded to all the new AAM’s, but it won’t be super consistent.

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I thought the aim120 will turn off its seeker when it got low and just go on a path to meet the target. (which would only work if they flew the same way)

Don’t really know the exact answer, but I believe that once the AMRAAM’s seeker turns on it stops relying on inertial guidance and solely uses its internal radar.

(I could be 100% wrong for the forums creatures in the room)