FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

Yeah early 90s radar but with 2000s HMD


But that 68% in RB mostly comes from ground battles
We are talking air tech trees. In air rb you are at 56%.
At air AB you would be at about 75% which is good. Buuuut it has a problem that vehicle research in AB is considerably slower.

APG-63V1 with JHMCS is a 2000s jet

Starting from the C model all Gripen models does have option to equip almost every single Nato armament the thing is i never saw any Gripen model that is equipped with MICA missiles.

Its true that MICA is possible to integrate but most common loadout is IRIS-T+Meteor combo.

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Most 2000s F15s have v2 or v3

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No. A single squadron received apg-63v2 before the end of 2000. JHMCS began being rolled out as late as 2007. 63v3 did not begin integration until 2010s. It didn’t end until several years after that. 63v1 + JHMCS is a realistic aircraft.

oh i don’t play ARB that much, i mostly play AAB.
i have generally argued for tech trees in general and the numbers put forth by me are for US ground in GRB as that is the tree and game-mode i’m currently playing.
the person i’m responding to said 3 months with premium time for both air and ground trees and i’m showing how ridiculous that is by saying how long just the ground tree takes.

just checked. i’m apparently at 71% placement for GRB in the last month and not 68%.

Sure, but how is that representative? The grind is different per gamemode. Air is arguably quicker than ground and AAB much slower than ARB.

So how can you judge the ARB grind by information gained from GRB and AAB?

Depends on the gamemode. Sim has very decent rewards on ground and RP is arguably still good for air (but SL is poor).

So 3 months for an air tree sounds rather easy. Hell even 1-2 months is very possible if you aren’t set on a particular gamemode. Ground maybe another story but if nothing has changed the GSB rewards are a lot higher than GRB.

GSB is the best mode for grinding regardless of planes or tanks AFAIK.

So assessing the max grind speed without taking SB into consideration is just nonsensical.

Hell there are even videos on YT hiw to use sim to get to top tier planes in a matter of days.

it isn’t and i haven’t?

he is saying 2h a day, 3 months TOTAL for one air and one ground tree at the same time with premium. i don’t think game mode will matter that much within those constraints.
but you are correct that SB will quicken up the grind. However the average player will play RB so that was what i was going by. making calculations based on average player choices in as many ways as possible.
i’m not saying 3 months is impossible. if you already know the game, have played a few events and have GJN to unlock a premium vehicle and premium time for a while you can VERY quickly grind out a tree.
My issue is with the VERY spercific numbers that the user gave:

which isn’t true.
he is saying that its possible to unlock an entire ground tree in a total of 90*2=180 hours. without premium time.
so that was the premise i based my statements on.

He never said anything about the average player, just that a quick grind is possible, he said nothing about just using RB.

Why shouldn’t that be possible?

When making general statements like this:

i assume its a general player he talks about. otherwise there would be no point in making such a statement. he didn’t say “with expert knowledge, years of experience and purchasing a premium vehicle you can …” he said " it does take…" meaning generally, as in: for the average player.
he didn’t specify any sort of player (top, bottom, middle, average) so to assume average isn’t wrong.
i used RB because that is where the average player plays.

it just mathematically isn’t. i am a top 10% player and i have in the past week played 119 games since i changed lineup to BR 11.3 to start unlocking 11.7 in US ground, average gametime per match is about 12-13 min IIRC 119x12.5=1487.5 minutes (about 25 hours) i have in that time unlocked half of ONE vehicle. so that’s about 50h for one vehicle to unlock. and i have premium time so double that time for players without premium for 100h for one vehicle. spading the 11.3 lineup gives 200k RP (half a vehicle at top tier) so the 4 vehicles at US top tier will take me as an average 25x(8-1)=175 hours for only those 4 vehicles WITH premium. let say i optimize even further than already being a top 10% player and somehow manage to magically cut that time in half with play style and game mode alone, that means 175 hours without premium account.
so how would 180 hours be in any way reasonable for the ENTIRE tree?

It was a partnership, British companies made some of the airframe and the engine, while avionics & radar was by US companies. I don’t see the point in arguing over who did most.

It should’ve been added to both UK and US.

during the last patch devserver test run, was there a difference between the missiles (mica, aim 120, r 77) already?


A few NATO ones were notably missing MPRF radars and smokeless motors (AIM-120/MICA/AIM-54C) idk about the other fox 3’s, id assume western ones all have it. Afaik the russians never got smokeless motors, not sure about the chinese.

Just checked, PL-12’s are very smoky. Its very likely gaijin kneecaps the AIM-120/MICA like they have the AIM-54C for the last year just because the russians and chinese dont seem to have ever developped/fielded it as far as I can tell.


I hope to at least see reduced smoke as the mica should.

Concerning he’s answered before that the set height is a balancing decision. I don’t think so.

Its a terrible balancing decision and needs to be removed. The idea its a balancing decision in the first place is a dubious claim and its likely more to make the game easier for the hoardes of premium players too busy eating glue to learn to play.

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That’s what I’m thinking should happen like the should bring in the j11B or one that houses PL-12s as there’s also the j-10 or the j15 that they can bring in the j16 would be a little to early but china tree has a few options for their tree but don’t get much anyway

I dare say and hope they just copy and paste the new su27 as I play china air, but they have potential to add the j10a and then later the C variant with the pl15 semi active and pl10 ir missiles, or even the j15 d variant right now as that holds everything that’s being added as the earlier variants of the j15 were experimental I think from what I found, but there’s plenty of options aside from the j-8f cause if they add pl12s to that monstrosity it would mean it moves a full br up with the radar and avionics of an 11.0br at the new highest which is just not a viable option imo

Because you are the literal king of using them LMAO…