FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

Yeah, it looks like that’s the direction Gaijin is going, unfortunately. I still believe it’s a pretty objectively bad decision, but it seems to have already been made.

The one disagreement I have is the F-15 being a truck, they fly pretty great, better than the F-16 in my experience. I believe the consensus is that they’re actually the second best gunfighter after the Gripen- though any sort of consensus in WT is contentious at best.

F-2 used AIM-7M and AAM-3 as well, with AAM-4 coming this patch it really doesn’t matter whether its superior to AIM-120B or not.
The F-15J barely used AIM-120s in service, but AIM-7M for the longest time, which changed with AAM-4 entering service, followed by AAM-5.

Nothing. Thats why BeNeLux should be seperated instead of everything going to France. Most can go to France as they need it.

Then get all your documents ready because i bet a kidney that Gaijin won’t bring JHMCS with the MSIP II even though that configuration may exist.

They usually bring vehicles based on official documents and specifications, hence why they didn’t brought F-15As JHMCS although it exists.

Started that yesterday though I was looking for more on the F-15A. I’ve got lots ready to go.

The thing is you can’t look at the F-15 program like you do the F-16. The various “standards” are essentially just ABCD TCTOs have been accomplished to meet that standard, instead of just ABC.

Again, tell that to Gaijin, not me at all because im not the one that doesn’t want HMD to be implemented, it is quite the opposite.

I’m just judging what it’ll happen based on what i’ve seen from their releases so far and their guidelines regarding the features of a vehicle.

That has more to do with gaijining than anything else. We have lots of documents for HMD on the F-15. The problem is it generally refers to the entire F-15ABCD program as just F-15. With the C model specifically, more sources name-drop it than the F-15A

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remember seeing a picture of an F-15C around late 2006 with a HMD
this one


No, even if MP is fixed, it will only make the ICE compeititve vs fox 1 armed planes.

Almost every plane leaked or in-game that could/will likely carry fox 3’s have better flight performance (in every way) and many have better radars as well. This puts the ICE at an immediate disdvantage regardless of the situation.

The is no possible way the ICE will be compeitive with its fox 3 peers in WT. It will either have to be placed at a lower BR (12.0, MAYBE 12.3) or will the the IRIS-T to be in any way threatening WVR. If MP ISN’T fixed, it will need IRIS-T outright, as at 12.0 the only other planes that wont immediately body it in WVR combat are:

  • Other F-4’s (most of which will be 2-3 BR steps below it at 11.0-11.3)
  • Strike aircrafts.
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Reminder britain has the Gripen C which is likely retroaftively getting fox 3’s.

Germany is the only nation getting left out in the cold, only having a subpar jet as the fox 3 platform

Agree to disagree then. People dog on F-4s incorrectly IMHO. Flown correctly they can get it done. And now we will finally have one that combines the best IR missiles, with good radar and the best flight performance. The only thing holding it back in my opinion is a lack of HMD. Like I said, it’s going to be my second jet I grind out after the F-15C, and I’m looking forward to it.

F4F wont be the only gen 3 with the J-8F and possibly the british tornado F.3(i doubt this one tho) being the others that get FOX-3’s

The grind however for a stock F-4F ICE would be horrible tho

Please stop with this rhetoric. We both know very well that the MiG-29SMT is leagues better than the F-4F ICE in almost every way.


The MiG-29G can’t use R-77s. Where people are getting the idea that it can I have no idea.

So we obviously have the SU-27SM coming to the game, but do you all think that that is the F-15C, or the F-15A late MSIP?

It’s an F-15C. It has the datalink antenna above the nose barrel

Fair enough

Do you think they will allow it to carry 8x AIM-120As?

I can PROMISE you i have more games in the F-4 than almost anyone playing WT. I know what it can and cant do.

Equal pilot skill, the F-4F ICE will always lose to all other leaked fox 3 plateforms in both BVR and WVR except the Sea Harrier. ALWAYS.

If they havent removed MP, itll be even worse, as it will also lose vs the vast majority of planes between 11.0 and top tier WVR as well.

This is simply a fact of the airframe being inferior while the weapons and sensors offer no particular advantage compared to the other jets with fox 3’s. Id love for the ICE to be good on release, but it simply wont, and is just another disapointing and/or late addition to the german air tree, as has been the norm ever since the MiG-21MF.

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The difference is the F-4F ICE is the only german jet with fox 3’s coming as far as the leak lists have noted. EVERY other nation is getting/has a gen 4 fox 3 carrier.

The Sea Harrier, Ja37D, or Tornado are not going to be the backbone of their respective tree’s as their top jets.