FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

It was able to, but never used them afaik

We better get some better stock missiles, stock SARH would be ideal. Trying to get kills with a pair of AIM-9Ls when everyone is slinging AMRAAMs will be a nightmare.


That’s what i remember as well. i’ve seen SAAB brochures saying it is ready for integration on the request from buyers. but i don’t think i’ve ever seen anything about it having been used.

It have been exported to UK, and seen use on Tornadoes and Sea Harriers

South Korea recieved AIM-120A for F-16D in 1995, before buying AIM-120B in 1997

I believe the F-4F ICE used specifically the AIM-120A

It was AIM-120B i checked.

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I’m sure they are, but like the Darter, Derby, and PL-12 in the test event their flight performance will be fictionalized for balancing. Which is a terrible idea because Japan literally uses AIM-120Bs, so there’s no reason to add a nerfed AAM-4. In fact, every nation in the game excluding subtrees and France has operated either the AIM-120B or R-77, with France having their balanced MICA. So the addition of the rest of the ARH missiles is pointless, they should be saved for a future update where they can be modelled correctly alongside other improved ARHs.

Germany received 96 AIM-120A for the F-4F ICE due to supply issues with the missiles. They later received a further 320 AIM-120B, so both were used.


Do you have that source? I didn’t found it.

So i’m hearing make it two separate vehicles to make the grind longer

SIPRI Arms Transfer Database, and a book which I read. Might be the Andreas Klein one.



The missile was never created

You might be confusing IRIS-T with MICA.

As far as i know Gripen never recieved MICA missiles.


Send them proof then. XD

I don’t think early variant of Gripen such as A and C got the MICA, but it seems it have been integrated on at least one variant to make customers able to choose missiles.

→ maybe on the NG?

if the free you said is to join the event and sell the event vehicles to get GJN and buy them

worst performance in FOX3 test when they are in Dev Server

This is exciting to see but we desperately need some changes to the Air game modes. Specifically Air RB. We need less player density either by making smaller teams or spreading players out through map design.

I dont understand why we dont see Air RB EC added back. It doesn’t have to be a 2.5 hour game mode. It can be 45 minutes. Just something with some more PVE gameplay and respawning would be great.

Aviation is so underdeveloped right now in War Thunder and it really feels like the devs are deliberately holding this mode back.

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no, they just like spoiling the secret sauce

As far as i am aware the AIM-120B should have slightly better G overload as it had bugger fins. That’s what i remember