FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

I don’t care if you listen to me. The R-77 finished testing in 1991. The year the AIM-120 was put into service. It wasn’t created to counter it. It was released so late because the Union fell apart. The AIM-120B was an improvement in electronics. Nothing more. It wasn’t made to counter the R-77, because by that time the US basically won the cold war. They didn’t care about the armament race by that point in time. The R-77 and AIM-120B is the fairest we can get. They were released in the same year, outclass eachother in different areas while being equel. AIM-120 has better acceleration and electronics, the R-77 has better range. And they were released in the same exact year, which makes them historical counterparts

Basically, but hopefully not

wow you missed the point ENTIRELY here.

My point is that year does not matter. technology used does.
you don’t want the game to sort BR placement after what year it was introduced otherwise you would have JA37D fighting Eurofighter typhoons.
you want the game to give aircrafts as close to their real loadout as possible without destroying matchmaking (like giving Viggens the Aim-120) and then place them to technologically similar aircraft non-dependant on year. If they hadn’t then the matchups would be so extremely one sided in almost all situations.

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You’re getting the AIM-120A because it is the baseline variant (as the R-77 is), and the AIM-120B won’t make any difference in game anyway.

Why not add the B variant if it won’t make a difference? Nobody has given me a reason yet. Only stories about africa and xboxes

I mean, why add the 120B? Skipping the 120A would just make it look awkward.

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or add both.

Yeah, let them add two identical missiles, which you will have to research separately. There’s absolutely no point in adding the AIM-120B. I bet Gaijin will skip it for an AMRAAM variant that actually makes a difference, later on. Like one of the later C variants.

As you didn’t gave us a reason to follow your dream that both missile 120B and R-77 are equals.

I did. You’re braindead, as has been already said

and you will mostlikely end with a vacation from forum

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How about my post you have yet to answer?

Again, stop bringing in other cases to this one. We are taling about the AIM-120 and the R-77. not the viggen or whatever else you bring up. Also, i saw your post about the IR guided R-77 before you deleted it. You know nothing about these missiles

i misread the RVV-AE and RVV-TE titles while researching. deleted when i realised my mistake.

i don’t need to know anything about them to know that the argument for year made makes no logical sense.
i have absolutely no idea what models of missiles are similar enough to warrant them being at the same BR or introduced at the same time. AND I DONT NEED TO. my entire argument is that you CAN’T judge by YEAR made ALONE as the factor for being contemporaries. You HAVE to consider capabilities of the vehicles/ammunition added to be able to add them at the correct BR.

i use other examples to showcase this specific point as there are MANY technologies in the world released at the same time with WILDLY different performance.

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Great, lots of OP missiles. The PL-12, Darter, and Derby are so much better than the R-77 and AIM-120B IRL. Unless the flight models are fictionalized like during the test.
Also seems like we’re getting the same vehicles which will be great fighting F-16s with an F-4F…

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B model is already in the files and in the screenshot with F-15C.


Will the Gripen get the MICA and AIM-120, as it had historically? Or will it only receive one of them?

as far as i know the JAS39 never used the MICA?

2 separate missiles is entirely possible, see 9M → AAM-3

It would either mean AIM-120A stock on F-15Cs or an easier grind by being earlier unlock than the Bs.

Considering the A wasn’t really exported but the B was widely used, that’s the version we should be getting (perhaps alongside the A for the US, that is the US gets the A and B)