FOX-3: Active Radar Homing Missiles

Gold, I love this.

Please point out where you got your numbers from, because I think your source is “I made it up”.
Different people progress at different speeds, depending on their battle results.

I’d especially love a source on the “faster than all other free to play games”, since there’s a vast amount of them out there. Even in WoT you can grind up to tier X for free within a month of casual play, because they give out so many free boosters, daily wins and others.

I’m not even here to discuss the points but you throwing random numbers and claims at the wall and hoping they stick is laughable.

he’s delusional, it takes years to grind a whole ground tech tree, how would i know? because i’ve done it.


Seeing as the thing on the nose was supposedly only really added to F-15Cs around the mid 90s, I don’t think giving it JHMCS from the 2000s would be a weird step for Gaijin.

I completed Japan air and ground in 3 months with a premium account playing <2 hours a day.
That’s 1.5 months for air and 1.5 months for ground.
Without premium that’s 3 months for air or ground in the old reduced rewards system when I was a chronically average player.

Today with advanced knowledge, and open information, anyone today can get 3 months due to the increased rewards, ~2.2 hours a day, while having less skill than I did.

People have ground out all of Italy in 36 hours using a premium account and the F-104S.
At 2 hours a day, that’s 18 days. Multiply by 2 for premium account and that’s 36 days. Multiply by 1.7 for the premium aircraft and that’s 61.2 days, just over 2 months without a premium account or premium time using meta research tactics.

i play better than most others that play this game. i have an average placement of 68% which means i play better than about 90% of all other players (source) and so also gain more RP than 90% of all other players as an average.

According to steam i have played 62h the past two weeks making that a bit over 4.4 hours a day. i play a bit more now than before so lets say i have an average of 3-3.5 hours a day when playing normally.
i started US ground 2-2.5 months ago with constant premium and used a WILD amount of RP bonuses from the toolbox that recently was active. i have yet to unlock my first top tier after an average of estimated 250h played.

IIRC you stated you unlocked all of japan in 2015? or there around? when the tree was perhaps 2/3 of its current size?

No, 2019, Type 90 and T-2 were out.
18 [noticed] vehicles were added between then and today.
Oh and at least 4 of those vehicles are foldered.

alright, still don’t believe you as the math does not check out.

I feel like you can probably grind a tree in under a year, depending on how much time you spend, what tree it is, etc. but very specific claims like “3 months, specifically 2.2h a day” or even worse, “faster than ALL other free to play games” without any source are just asking for people to throw your opinion under the bus and call you a boot licker.

No way in hell is any of which he said true, which then makes any other claims he throws out immediately sound like lies too.

I see, cheers mate.

Is what you claim.

what “advanced knowledge”? not everybody is a hardcore WT nerd or even willing to look things up for the game they play.

firstly, is there any proof for those claims?
secondly, sure, people who know how to min/max and are great at the game, doing something as a speedrun challenge, probably can.
thirdly, Italy is also one of the least research intensive trees available, especially if we’re talking pre last update without the subtree. Even among non-big-three countries their air tree is laughably tiny.

that’s simply not how that works. you can get screwed depending on updates, meta changes, BR black holes getting tossed around etc within 3 months. you can’t just take someone knowledgeable hardcore grinding and calculate up from that to get an “anybody can” result.

Even with knowledge available, not everybody can apply it, and people researching min/maxing like that certainly aren’t your average player, either. Expecting that kind of knowledge is wild and delusional.

Weird of you to gaslight and dismiss peoples’ lived experiences.
Then again, you responded to a gaslighter as well.

Air grind meta hasn’t changed in over 5 years: Ground targets, bombing, ai air targets, players.
It’s been that way for over 5 years, in that order.
And I only learned that for my Soviet and Germany grinds.
USA I did simulator.

In 5 years, from February 2019 to present I’ve completed 10 air trees, 6 ground trees, went up over half way through 4 ground trees, completed 2 - 4 helicopter trees, and went half way through 4 naval trees coastal + blue water.
My maximum BR before starting this was 7.0 with the Centurion Mk3 which I got in the 2 weeks of playing the Black Prince from the 2 weeks of premium time it gave me on release… in arcade battles.

People are open to discussing the best methods of earning RP and SL, there are dozens of reddit and forum topics, dozens of videos, Discords, etc.

Okay, now i want you to sum up all the RP needed to complete a tech tree.
remove the RP gained from spading for each vehicle before the one you add.
divide by 180 (90days times 2hours per day) to get how much RP is needed per hour.
Average match length for the average player is around 10-15 minutes so now divide by 5 to get the average RP needed per game consistently for 90 days straight to unlock everything.
aaaaaaannnnnd GO!

Spoiler, someone already did this 2 years ago

you are looking at a combined 534 hours for US air and ground without premium. 3 months you say, that gives 534/90 = 5.9 hours per day.

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Yeah, I got all of China Aviation in like 1 week and the Leclerc in around 6 days, grinding now a days isn’t really that hard compared to previous years such as 2019.

Getting vehicles isn’t that hard, I would agree. But for idiots like myself who spade the vehicles they play it takes… a bit too long.

Is what you claim

Nobody lies about their experience and getting that specific would usually make one to assume its true.

what “advanced knowledge”? not everybody is a hardcore WT nerd or even willing to look things up for the game they play

It takes like 2 seconds to google things and researching about a game you enjoy isn’t as bad as you think.

you have bought yourself to the top with China air. which is totaly fine, but cant be used as a comparative experience for the average player because as Gaijin themselves state “80% of players never pay”.

1 week is believable if you had the free time, but definitely much more free time than I would allocate to War Thunder myself.
36 - 48 hours is a lot of time spread across 7 days.

Please for the love of god do not give us the German mains the F4F ICE


It was more like a grind rather than free time to be fair lol, I wanted it in preparation of the J-11.

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