If a forum user has made their Profile Private then there appears to be no way to Block said user as the options to use this feature are within the Profile Page.
Is there another way or is this a Forum oversight?
If a forum user has made their Profile Private then there appears to be no way to Block said user as the options to use this feature are within the Profile Page.
Is there another way or is this a Forum oversight?
Nah, it’s how it’s designed, and the more that know this trick the more trolly they can be knowing you can’t actually block them.
This forum switch was definitely not thought through and there’s no attention being paid as to how terrible an application it is.
Can you check now?
Nah, it’s still not working, You can’t access their profile at all if it’s hidden.
Like, we can go to the ignore list and manually add them, but you can’t simply click ‘ignore’ and have it done without that effort.
Depends which profil you have on mind.
Profiles with # in it? It’s a bug, not forum setting. Should be fixed soon™
Ahhh, nice… Are you sure some of these guys don’t know that even bugs and have done that on purpose?
I feel as though many have been abusing features on the forums because they knew how they worked a bit more and would use them in brigading and mass flagging attacks.
lol it’s so hard to find a hidden profile now xD
Yep, I just checked two Profiles I was aware of (not that I want to block them, I was just aware the Profiles were Hidden) and still no option to Block if I so wished.
My example was @Uncle_J_Wick and his profile (no problem with him, I like his content, I just noticed this issue with Hidden Profiles), which misses the option to block said profile.
(Sorry John, linked for openess, I can delete if you want it to be).
ULQ also has thiers hidden, and I have mine hidden as well.
Yep, same display/lack of option on yours.
Probably referring to profiles that are hidden, we don’t have access to the button that allows us to put them on an ignore list.
Can we actually get this fixed? It’s still an issue.