Not really. We can have TO in RB settings
I don’t believe that Gaijin is willing to introduce a tank only game mode. They want to advertise mixed battles and justify people’s purchasing of CAS vehicles. The only way I ever see them implementing a tank only game mode is by changing Ground Arcade Battles which is already a minor part of the game and doesn’t see the use of player’s own aircraft.
And I see TO in RB settings
Bbbbb bbbu bbbut then SPAA would need a rebalance! Aaaaaaan there would be over a month queue ttttimes, aaaaand everybody would just camp in TO mode!
If there is still a combined mode, they they can.
The issue here is that Gaijin knows well, that a large part of the players would play TO, and only the hardcore skill issue players would continue playing the current mode. And even that, after a few minutes, nobody would be on the ground, since everybody playing that mode would want to get into a plane as fast as possible, since nobody would play that mode who is a tanker main.
Or, for both.
There should be some clear punishment for false flagging. Anyway, at least it shows that CASvocates have no real argument, and have to rely on flagging.
Which is also funny, because Air is a separate mode, just like the proposed TO.
This argument is just trash. Then please, i would like to get into a APtriot or S-300 and shoot down planes from 100km in Air mode, since we are talking about a combined arms game…
They may eventually let us do that.
In the currant Air mode?
Basically yes, which is why it’s silly to expect it to ever happen. It doesn’t need to happen, Gaijin can balance CAS to be a contributing part of Ground Realistic Battles.
If players truly want a ground only game mode the only possible way to get Gaijin to compromise will be in Ground Arcade Battles where air is irrelevant.
Why not? It’s not like Ground maps are large enough to support multi system SPAAs like that. Would be interesting to see and play against imo, restrict the amount of players who can use it. There’s a lot of different things they could do and need to do if they wish to eventually have current era fighters. The current Air game mode is already failing and has been since the addition of radar missiles. Maps need to be bigger, respawning needs to be allowed. Lots of things to change.
Another review bombing could do it.
It already is. Not just contributing part, it is the part that mostly decides who wins.
Balancing it? You can’t! You can’t balance CAS to be fair, and to need skill to use. CAS will always be stronger than ground. No matter how you limit it’s spawns etc, there will always be someone who gets killed by it, and it is unfair.
Yeah, that’s why i have significant % of my tank deaths to CAS, especially in light wehicles. But sure, totally irrelevant.
Because Air players would be unhappy about it. Rightfully so. It would be an absolute cancer, just like CAS is right now.
Why is it bad, that we ask for equality? We just wan’t a mode, where skill matters. Nothing more.
I like mixed battles, personally.
I don’t advocate for a ground only mode, but I saw someone mention that it would be a good compromise to do it for Arcade battles and I tend to agree with that.
What is your issue with making a second mode for both arcade and realistic, while keeping the current ones (and maybe doing some balancing with CAS)?
Indeed, they can. Ditch the real causes of revenge killing (kill cam, midair spawns, zone capping notifications) so all of us calm the hell down and stop screaming at each other as much.
Blocking CAS spawns entirely when the weather is bad and altering the frequency of bad weather as the best compromise to the “tank only” crowd without creating a new mode and threatening all the crap a split queue would likely result in, least of all provoking The Snail’s paranoia about queue times.
Then, import Simulator’s SP system for aircraft and tanks. The ugly truth is that we probably cannot truly “balance” CAS unless we remove the CoD-inspired idea of “air as killstreak powerup.” Under the current system, one team gets air up before the other, the other proceeds to scream about how unfair it is with no end in sight no matter what CAS weapons get added, removed, or altered. While allowing all aircraft as first spawns sounds worse - is it not better to allow both teams to defend themselves against CAS by democratizing ability to spawn fighters and CAS right from game start, to fight fire with fire?
Because it will reduce the player count for Ground Realistic Battles and I would like to play as quickly as possible.
If we’re ever going to have 0.7+/- BR matchmaking we’re going to need so many players that they’re having trouble fitting them.
You mean it will reduce the player count in the current “combined” mode?
Yeah, most players don’t like unbalance.
Yes if the current balance of CAS isn’t addressed and a ground only game mode was added the majority of players would likely elect to play the ground only game mode.
Even if it was say a ratio of 70% stays in the current mode to 20% in the new mode it would still increase search times significantly for certain BR ranges / nation matchups.
I would rather see the current mode fixed and Ground Arcade Battles allocated as the “tank only” mode.
But it can’t be fixed.
I disagree.
Then show me how could it be balanced!
I’ve offered a multitude of suggestions, this thread is one of them.
Nothing can be fixed overnight, Gaijin needs to take the issue seriously and make consistent changes to fix the game.