For the love of god put the mig 29 at 12.3

Hello, I’ve been playing war thunder for as long as i can remember, you could say I’m a veteran player. I love this game more than any other, and I have invested more money and time into it than any other game. Recently I unlocked the mig 29 (9-13) and have been disappointed. It does not have the missiles it historically carried, and fights utterly unwinnable fights in uptiers. The flight model isn’t all that, and it¨s natural enemies, the F16 and F18 start at 12.3, unlike the mig at 12.7. This is not right, and the community agrees, the mig has to go down for it to be fun. It’s an iconic plane, with rich history, great name, and striking visuals. It’s a massive shame, that because of it’s unfathomable BR, it can’t shine the way it’s supposed to. Either put it at 12.3, which is the easier option, or give it historic flight performance and r73s instead of r27s, but something needs to happen, its the most synthetically nerfed plane in war thunder, and for no reason.


It can only go to 12.3 if it loses its R-27ERs. 12.3 in its current state would make it fairly OP in my opinion.

Both of which are arguably undertiered, and they all suffer from Br compression.


Mmm nah, better put the better planes higher

Br compression is another thing alltogether that we need so damn much, but I mean if they undertier those two, put the mig down there with em, makes no sense to do it just for the f16 and 18

you know thats not gonna happen anytime soon man

i know, but putting the Mig29 with R27ER to fight with 11.3s wouldnt be fun either


yeah that missile is a big source of the issue, but its not like the mig has crazy good radar, and it can only carry two, it aint gonna change the outcome of a match, at best you get two guys who cant multipath, also look at the brs of other planes, i dont believe it will really change much, other than not making it face utterly insane planes

I honestly would put every 4th gen that is not a Fox 3 carrier from 13.0 and every fox 3 carrier from 14.0 up. like F15A, F16MLU, Mig29,Su27, Mirage2000etc at 13.0 then somehting like the F15C, Su27sm etc at 14.0 and Eurofighter, Rafale at 14.7 to have the F22A at 15.0

Mig29 and yak141 are among the strongest 12.7s

Remove the R27ER and I would agree. Adding a plane to 12.3 with R-27ER and a good flight model is like putting a plane with two Aim-120s at that BR- and arguably worse. Nothing is going to touch it while it has those missiles.

We need depression quite a lot. If it were to go down right now, I’d advocate for the removal of the R-27ER first.


About as fun as fighting F-16s and F-18s

Or as fun as fighting F-14s the last few years


Aim9Ls are as easy to deal as r-60m, but the R-27ER are orders of magnitude better than any sparrow

Better solution, put the F-16 and F-18 back to 12.7 and then on the Mig-29, get rid of the R-27ERs but give it R-73s.


R-27ER on 12.3?
for against F-4J(UK) or Harrier T.10?

Nah, We need to deal with compression caused by American skill issues instead.

Then, will it become a sidegrade-ish version of Bison, but on 12.7?
R-73 + R-27R/T, better fuselage but worse RWR.

Sounds fairer than sending MiG-29 to 12.3.
but I think I am hearing mad F/A-18C (Early) noise caused by no AIM-9M. :/

f18 is much more maneuverable, thats the tradeoff for it, making it a bison but 29 doesnt sound that bad to be honest

It’s, if nothing else, a historical modeling issue, the Mig-29 never used R-27ER. But it was given it instead of R-73s because they werent an option when it was added.

It can now be fixed and then modeled right. I also hate the ERs WAY more than R-73s. Still the most dangerous thing I encounter in something the Tornado Gr4 are the R-27ERs. Worse than AMRAAMs fired from the ICE imo

They will complain anyway.
‘Letting no US planes use IRCCM on 12.7 while giving R-73 on MiG-29 is blasphemy. soviet bias as always.’

Lets not devolve into blaming mains and the playerbase as a whole, they dont control the balancing,but i understand

I think, Gaijin was way too scared to release the beast named R-73, so they just released a bigger beast named R-27ER instead.

Yeah, R-27ER is somewhat annoying to defeat imo.
27ER from well skilled MiG-29 were always painful to face.

Fair, My bad.

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