For tanks with a Coax 20mm (like the new CLOVIS), PLEASE give us an option to use regular AP instead of HVAP

These HVAP rounds for the 20mm are so inconsistant, if the enemy is angled even just a little bit, the ammo will not penetrate and instead just shatter. Even tanks like the Ontos or Weisel struggle to be penned.

I would rather take less flat penetration and better angled penetration provided by regular AP ammo, even if they have less penetration compared to HVAP


I would appreciate belts for ground vehicle machine guns

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only if they go up in BR. its already pretty insane having a tank with a secondary as powerful as the xm800ts main armament at the same BR, giving it a belt without shell shatter would be disgusting.

It feels like the 20mm with HVAP is even worse than a regular .50-cal machinegun though

All APCR/HVAP is based on a russian HVAP shell (i believe its the one from the 2a72 autocanon but I ma be another gun) russian HVAP cores are smaller than western counterparts and have a far worse failure rate which therefore gimps everyone else’s stuff.

a lot of the time its going to be about as much worth as a 50cal but it will easily shred the 7.7 and 8.0 scouts making them unviable. quite an unfair faceoff as they are the same BR

Well, that’s not quite true when you consider the ammunition in question

XM800T has DM63 APDS

Also if I understand OP correctly, they asked for a ammunition change from HVAP to “regular AP”.

On paper this would be a downgrade because of less flat penetration, but some would think it an upgrade due to more greater consistency against angled and spaced armor. Due to this I’d really say it is a sidegrade.

Now I’m not sure if there is a full caliber AP for 20x139mm, but that’s a seperate issue.

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they are gonna pen the same things at that BR so will perform the same. it will almost instantly burn up a targets track so they cant fall back too, or break their barrel if you want to be a bad sportsman.

if there was a standard AP shell then it should be added to the belt. however the better utility would make this premium even more busted on its statsheet.

Apprently there is API ammo available

1- DM43 API-T - missing cap
2- DM43 API-T - unpainted
3- DM43 API-T
4- DM43 API-T - cutaway
5- APDS - was told this was a promotional item for the M139 cannon in the US
6- APDS - as 5
7- HVAP-DS - smooth, pointed sabot, pusher longer than 5 and 6
8- HVAP-DS - sabot with distinct angles
9- DM63 HVAP-DS - smooth, curved sabot
10- DM63 HVAP-DS - as 9
11- DM 63 HVAP-DS - as 9 cutaway
12- DM63 HVAP-DS - as 9 cutaway
13- French OPTSOC (APDS)

From - 20x139 HS.820/Mk-20 Rh202/M139 - #9 by Haenosaki - General Ammunition Discussion - International Ammunition Association Web Forum

I think DM43 is called API-T in real documentation, but in War Thunder it is classed as HVAP due to it using a tungsten core and non-discarding windshield.

So this specific API-T is the DM43 we already have in game as “HVAP”

those HVAP cores are CHUNKY bro i don’t think AP is needed just get them accurate

Interesting, the API is also a form of HVAP. At the very least, I think the angled pen should be fixed…

Edit: Found another thread discussing the ballistics and performance of the 20mm ammo 20mm DM43 Penetration - #7 by poopooo