For Italy. What's the point of responding to Battle Rating feedback if you don't want to do as we suggest?

They’re adding 0.3 to a BR range that needs closer to 3.0, only a few SPAA are benefitting from it, they’re still uptiering Ariete’s, the 2A5 is still next to the 2A7, the PUMAs are still going up and nothing is actually improved balance wise as everything gets moved up equally.


Most of 9.0 isn’t being moved up and nothing in 8.7 that I’ve seen is moving up. 9.7 on the other hand is going to 10.0.

This is what’s being balanced. Not 10.0-11.7, but 8.0-10.0 .

And now we’re going to wait another year or 2 and add another 0.3 to decompress 9.7!


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Yes welcome to Gaijin’s balancing. I’m still happy with the progression of changes over the past year. If Gaijin continues this the game might actually be playable by 2026. The one remaining issue they haven’t addressed at all is map balancing for top tier. Maybe some day.

They add more vehicles than they decompress, we still have 7 BRs for maybe 10 years of vehicles and then 5 BRs for the next 70 years.



If they really wanted to balance the game and fix the compressione issue they should also reduce the br you can face in a veichle from ±1 to ±0.7


Yes I agree.

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Italy was the first tree I ground from start to finish and I gotta say it was a ROUGH one. Low tier Italy does absolutely cook and I still play 3.7 for my dailies because it’s an absolute blast but once you hit mid tier and top tier oh boy does it get sucky.

Rank IV is hot ass, yeah you get a few decent vehicles but none of them at the same BR so you never have a single “decent” lineup. Don’t even get me started on all the over BR’d stuff; the AUBL, Leo 40/70, R3 T106, and C13 T90 just looking at ranks IV and V all should go down, ESPECIALLY the AUBL and C13 they are SO awful.

Rank VI is pretty good in fairness though, the OF-40, VCC 60, Leo 1A5, T-72 and Centauro make for a strong 9.3 lineup though the SIDAM Mistral being 9.7 monkey wrenches the entire thing (please Gaijin make it 9.3).

Rank VII is…yeah…depressing. Sure 10.3 you have a pretty solid lineup if some BR changes were made that is. If the KF41 and Oto were moved down to 10.3 then Italy would cook there buttt that’s never gonna happen. The fact of the matter is you have 3 10.3 viable vehicles being the Leo 2, Ariete and Freccia past that though nah. The fact that you’re using what should be a 9.3 SPAA to fight at times 11.3 aircraft is BEYOND rough.

And ofc rank VIII was and is pure pain. You have the worst MBT in the game and not even that good a round to go with it. Like the whole “appeal” of Italy as a tree is the glass cannon playstyle, none of our vehicles really have armor and that’s fine as long as the gun makes up for it, the problem is it doesn’t. The AMV has a weaker round than the 2A7 and that’s literally everything you need to say. The ONLY way Gaijin could help the Arietes at top tier would be to properly model their armor and give them DM63 so they outperform the Leo2A7s but I have a feeling that’ll never happen because the handheld starbucks drinkers in the German Tree would lose their minds over a minor nation getting SOMETHING they don’t (look at how they whined about us getting the KF-41!).

Another thing, top tier SPAA, where the hell is it? The OTO is hilariously unreliable. The gun isn’t high enough velocity to be able to hit high speed aircraft without leading 3 miles in front at which point any maneuvering causes a miss, the radar is only ‘okay’, and you have limited self defense capabilities. I would rather have a Gepard than an Otomatic. Speaking of which they COULD give it to us. The Hungarians have fielded the Gepard and the Strella which would MASSIVELY improve their respective BR brackets for us. They’re literally copy paste vehicles, would take 0 effort or dev time and would boost rank VI and VII a ton.

In conclusion Italy suffers (but actually) Gaijin please help. We appreciate you giving us Hungary but don’t leave us hungry for more.

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Notice how much it bothers them when someone speaks the truth, they even came to darken my posts.

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😁The one that in real life is made of chewing gum🤣

Don’t lump GER in with the US and Russia, I’d say Sweden gets better treatment.

Germany had to wait a few years to finally get a native equal tank to Sweden and is still currently waiting for a actual top tier jet(it usually has to wait a year or so before getting them, though they only had to wait a patch or 2 recently so that’s not the worst)

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I’d say a better example was US mains losing theirs minds about not getting the harrier even though they had jet after jet and their reasoning was “uhhhh because we should?”

Not getting spike on the puma was kind of just a slap considering it’s been in the game for awhile and that was a main feature everyone was waiting for.