Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Gaijin balances in mysterious ways.
Most Russian planes were undertiered since they had much lower firepower than other planes, so they made it up by having better performance, since turn performance and firepower were always the key factors for low skilled players.

Now with the current realShatter damage and 20mm ShVAKs hitting like absolute trucks, you would think that anything would change about their BRs, but no.
Instead we got another Yak-3 at even lower BR 😂

A lot of vehicles are simply forgotten. Like the MiG-9 which is just a worse MiG-9(l).

Rip Tortoise, forever sentenced to 4/7 crew members dying when a Tiger II looks at the machine gun turret


Yes I’m naïve for shure, but hope springs eternal. Sooner or later things will get better

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More like Sherman 76, Tiger II has better spots to pen the Tortoise.



I registered my account in february 2017, have at least 10k battles in my record and still voted for “yes”.
All I care is that, if other shells have to act realistic, aphe should not be an exception. Either make them all act unrealistic, or all of them. Not talking about unrealistic repair features, or unrealistic 3rd person view except sim. I’m only talking about shell types. You could say yeah buff the rest of them instead of nerfing aphe, but they’ll still act in a realistic way meanwhile aphe still going to be an unrealistic sphere of death.


Literally unplayable, literally not in any sort of profit because of a feature we can use only one time per spawn that costs just a few HUNDREDS of sl more.

You spelled “they don’t want to learn to aim better” wrong.
Also they want to keep their cheesy shots that with an inert shell they won’t be able to get the kill with.


In RL, most tanks would knock it out with a hit to the lower plate, knocking out the transmission 🙃
I also used to shoot there with the Panther 75mm, which could knock it out.
But nowadays, I think the tansmission absorb pretty much all damage.

This doesn’t seem unrealistic in of itself. What makes it unrealistic is the fact you can repair the transmission while being shot at, which in reality would likely require the complete substitution of the damaged parts (maybe even the entire transmission), which simply couldn’t be done in the heat of the moment.


Without trying to veer off-topic and get bonked by staff, I don’t understand the point of repair costs beyond punishing players for playing. I understand using SL for buying vehicles (kinda). But repair costs make no sense to me.

But yeah, APHE change bad. Me no want and all that.

The problem is that it is a fear of a false sense of balance, since the way the game is now, it is completely unbalanced and in general a mess, we have imbalances with the bullets, with the planes, with the maps. We have problems with the same players, with teams in which many leave after dying once, with teams that disappear 4 minutes into the game, who play individually, avoiding helping teammates but benefiting from them. In general today it is exasperating to play War Thunder, because if the imbalances in the game do not greatly harm you, the players on your team will harm you, so in the end I dedicate myself to playing without thinking about anything, making tanks die and doing what I have to do even though Do not do anything in the game, since given how the game is, the best thing that gaijin has done in the game is to make the repair costs ridiculous, so you can allow yourself to continually lose tanks
Now gaijin seems to want to improve things by voting, such as the shock of the crews and now the absurd damage of the APHE, the problem is that these changes should be implemented without having to vote, since they are realistic mechanics, which without reaching Putting deaths due to penetration (which I wouldn’t be afraid of if they put it either) would give the game a fresher and more balanced dynamic, giving the advantage to the tank that penetrated first, and not giving an advantage to the one with APHE and 7 bullets.


But it’s not a realistic game. Despite all the marketing tags of “realistic” and “realism”, so many aspects of the game are altered for one reason or another. If people valued realism as much as they claim they do, ground sim battles would be stacked and left wanting nothing. But it isn’t. So realism isn’t as big as a requirement or need as it’s been bolstered as. And I have to disagree. More things should be put up to a vote. Short of UI changes to the game, most major mechanics should be voted upon.

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Magach 3 ERA with M392A1:Br-8.0
Magach 5 with M111:Br-8.0
I have nothing more to say, Your Honor.

It is clear that it is not a realistic game, nor will it ever be since as people have said, realistic is losing the tank in the first penetration, and that gaijin is never going to do. But what you can do is use partly realism to correct the game’s balancing problems. You can give all the bullets realistic damage and thus be able to make that damn separation of the WW2 tanks from the post-war ones. By giving the bullets their realistic damage, it does not There are nations extremely harmed by using a predominant type of bullet, giving each bullet similar damage but at the same time with different nuances and variables, since an APHE and a Full AP essentially create a cone of damage, depending on the caliber and speed. larger or smaller, but once penetrated a Ful AP would break into fewer fragments but continuing in a straight line inside the tank a little longer, while the APHE, depending on its explosive charge and its metal walls, would fragment into very small pieces, bouncing more in the surroundings than the fragments of the Full AP but not reaching as far inside the tank (for example the German APHE with a small charge would reach deeper as they kept very large pieces when they explode).


Meanwhile M48A2 G A2being 8.3 BR with equivalent round and no ERA:

Don’t look for an explanation, just enjoy,the unbalance.

Same for the T28 and 95, except they have even bigger muzzle brakes :D

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With all the changes gaijin does without asking the community like traction changes and changing ground maps and their track record making people reluctant to vote on changes gaijin proposes, I can see gaijin in the future just going back to making these changes without asking the community because this did kind of blow up in their faces with how much the community doesn’t trust the developers.

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