Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Idk why anyone would vote no if theres testing to be done then a final vote


It’s how many people visited the link.
One people can only give one click per certain amount of time.
There’s no other way to estimate amount.
Plus to this time I would expect majority of both to already vote.

“Yes” is gaining on “No”

Must be bots or alt accounts… /s


its still 47 to 52. Not yet, a Biden curve

He’s just talking about the number of posts/visits in this and the Russian thread I think. Which is obviously not useful to figure out how many votes are in, or were in at any given point.

The April poll on stun mechanics got 52,000 votes over a week. This will be within 25% of that, plus or minus.

Gaijin, APDS costing 1000 SL per shot when? :D


Can you imagine people getting so tilted that they forget that this game forces you to suck up ghost shells, non pens on flat surfaces, the mess that is combining netcode and volumetric, overpressure, no post pen damage, your 120mm depleted uranium apfsds merely tickling light tanks, light tanks (for the heavy complainers), HESH being worse than HE when it was intended for armour to basically be its biggest killing force, can’t believe they actually “play” this game

Why do people always fallback on accusing bots rather than thinking they’re kinda nuts

There’s been plenty of reasons.

  1. They don’t want the change in the first place and would prefer not to see more development time on it. They don’t care for the test because they don’t care for the change in general.
  2. They’re against the nerf in general.
  3. They won’t want their favorite vehicles made weaker or nerfed.
  4. They don’t want to see the balance thrown to hell which will happened. It will be months before Gaijin has enough data to rebalance Bars and people don’t want to deal with that.

Don’t get how people can’t understand that.


Do you know what’s actually funny about this? It’s been over a year since the devs changed the physics of ATGMs:

You would think that after especially ATGM vehicles were nerfed so much, they would naturally move down in BR, but that didn’t happen. ATGM vehicles were weak even before this change, now they are just annoying to use.

Another point is that in theory the new ATGM physics is “more realistic”. But then you look at such situations, created by this new physics:


This missile flight trajectory doesn’t make any sense at all, it’s only annoying to see such situations. ATGM vehicle players have to deal with this all the time. And we are over a year after these changes were made! Where are the ATGM vehicles now? How many of them do you see in battles? This new implementation is a joke, and no one does anything to improve the situation.

It’s just sad that players never even had the opportunity to vote for or against these ATGM changes.


Ngl tho it’s no big surprise they wanna screw things up more, while others throw caution to the wind and don’t cherish what they already have or would rather that everyone else suffer, these people actually think that gaijin is interested in balancing the game

God tell me you’re a new player without telling me you’re a new player lmao

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I’m not a new player and I voted “Yes” because I believe Gaijin will balance things out. They need to make the game balanced because so they will gain trust and players. Man sometimes you need to be quiet and think more about throwing rocks around without reason

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They should’ve added this poll in the game launcher, with a short explanation what they wanted not a 4+ page essay. Then you get the player base as a whole, mind you in EU mostly 100-180k people online. are we anywhere near that number on votes?

this was the last time i voted for anything, always the choice between two things we didn’t ask for. like with the bonus for losing a match while still doing good, what did we get 60->40% for winning and losing got 20%.

Same with stock rounds we wanted stock KE, they gave everyone HEAT-FS that used it.

Same with Repair costs, sure they went down but Crew resupply was now BR based in SL cost (used to be 300 SL iirc, now BR 9.3 sits at 700SL, top tier 1000?)

and then you can’t lose SL if premium (unless TK), but this was connected to resupply and repair box checked.


This is not the actual reason why people voted no. This is such a major change that development time doesn’t matter.

The actual reason people voted no is because they are scared of this:

They don’t want APHE to be weaker and one shot less (meaning “less fun” or “more frustrating and inconsistent”) or they don’t want their favourite vehicles to be potentially nerfed. These are the 2 major reasons people voted no.

Development time is an argument made as an afterthought.


You think they will after someone just showed you another example of Gaijin making something more realistic, which effectively ruined that type of vehicle, and yet they never got reshuffled or rebalanced as a result of that change? I would say naive is putting it nicely.

I’m sorta of the opinion that Gaijin should put the general win and efficiency rates for a vehicle on its stat card. So players at least have an idea of not just how the vehicle does at large, but if it’s a waste of time to research and use. Though you still have to research it regardless thanks to the inconvenient-by-design progression model.

Like I had looked forward to the HSTV-L for a while. Turns out it sits way too high BR wise, it’s round is absolute trash, and its entire viability hinges on flanking which has becoming increasingly difficult thanks to the narrowing of a lot of maps. So it was a waste of time to research.

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We won’t get any change if we are always scared about ruining balance.
You want AP buffed? Sorry that could ruin balance.
You want ATGMs buffed? The balance.
You want SPAA to be effective against planes? But the balance.
You want volumetric fixed? No can do, the balance could be ruined.


I would agree with you if there was any track record to look back on and see “Yep, they change it and they followed through and balanced it”. The game is 10 plus years old. Thats a long time and you should be able to point to a long list of that happening but alas, here we are.

You’re not wrong but neither am I or those pointing/explaining why they voted no along those lines.

So they should stop changing things? SO they should leave the game as it is?

Or perhaps work on the laundry list of things still sitting in “we will continue to watch and monitor this” limbo. Build up that trust.