Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Again, the evidence the Russian CC has had any effect on the vote is simply not there. Haven’t people pointed out time and time again the difference in votes between the Russian forum and the Eng?

You then name two other CC’s where one, Spookston, hasn’t made a singular video on it since the proposal was announced. Yes, Spookston has made videos about how he’s not a fan of APHE in its current state. But he hasn’t posted a video on it since it was announced. And the other made his a few days after the vote was put up.

So pray tell, how did they influence the vote?

For Oddbawz, he lays everything out in a fairly non bias manner. “This will make some vehicles significantly stronger, and others will become significantly weaker. If you’re voting yes just because you don’t want your cupola shot at, that’s fine. And if you’re voting no because you don’t want your favourite tank weakened, that’s also fine. The important thing is that we are getting a chance to vote”.

The European Canadian is for the change with a very “sucks to suck” argument.

Tankenstein is also for the change but gets people will vote no for the same reason Oddbawz points out.

Matdawg also made a video supporting the change and voting yes.

But when you look at their comment sections, a majority of the comments are against it. Even though the CC’s are for it.

Simply put, no. You are indeed wrong. CC’s are not influencing the outcome to any noticeable manner.


From the very comment you are replying to;

Something did influence. CCs? Maybe, maybe not. But what’s clear and a fact is that, for 21 full hours, the “yes” option of the vote was winning with a consistent and overwhelming 70-30 proportion and suddenly, out of nowhere, at the exact 22 hour mark, it shifted in the blink of an eye.

What was it? No way for us to know beyond speculation; but SOMETHING did happen because it was not a growing tendency, it was nothing foreseeable based on the results and progress till that point- there was a drastic 180º turn just within a couple of hours. Again; I have no idea what happened and I am not going to draw any conclussions or support any theories anymore- but it is evident that something, whatever it was, happened.

Not like it matters anyway. At 48-52, it is most likely that Gaijin will conduct the test anyway.


It makes sense since War Thunder is played all over the world and the Chinese and Russians were voting when we were all asleep. That’s not that sketchy.

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Dont worry. They are buffing aphe instead because that is what the community wants.

Not really. When I woke up, it was still 70-30; I fell asleep again and took an unintended siesta… and when I woke up less than 2 hours later, it was suddenly 50-50.


What time was it? 14:00?

I went to bed around 07:00 CEST. At that point, the vote was 70-30.

When I first woke up it was 14:00 CEST, and the vote was still 70-30; but I was too tired and fell asleep again…

…and when I woke up from this accidental siesta, it was around 16:00 CEST… and, suddenly, the vote was 50-50.

And the voting had been up since the 16:50 CEST of the previous day; so it means that the vote had been 70-30 for around 22 hours, and suddenly everything changed in just about 2.5 hours, between around 14:00 and 16:00 CEST.

It wasn’t gradual, it was just in the relative blink of an eye. That’s what smells weird to me, not the shift itself. If the shift had happened over the course of several hours, it would only be natural and expected. But such an abrupt and drastic shift? Weird as hell, honestly.

(Also don’t judge my messed up sleep schedule that day, that kind of stuff happens during vacations lmao)

I want to point out that I have considered the possibility of being wrong; “maybe I am misremembering”, “maybe my phone’s page didn’t refresh when I woke up first so it showed me outdated results”, “maybe my sleepy memory was foggy”… but no one has pointed out otherwise; everyone appears to acknowledge and be aware of the sudden vote jump, so it appears my memories are just fine.


The argument that the East woke up doesn’t hold up then, if it changed from 70-30 to 50-50 in the span from 14:00 to 16:00 CEST.

14:00-16:00 CEST is 16:00-18:00 in Moscow and 22:00-0:00 in China.

It may be that people came home from work in Russia (the majority of Russia in population anyway).

I didn’t monitor it that carefully. When I voted at around 19:20 CEST it was 50.5 - 49.5 for yes and when I checked at around 21:20 it was 50.82 - 49.18 for no. Weirdly specific because I’ve sent screenshots to my friends what option is winning.

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meme for you
232392102_b16d623761388b638558d2ab7ab839c0_800 (1)


Since yesterday or smth the change was 1,2k - 1,8k on english forum and 400-570 in russian.

If russian forum even had upper hand in the vote, then the english forum would already change it to “yes”.
However nor CIS nor english forums dont have 1 choice they can agree upon, on both forums opinions anf people are split upon their believes.

I never read as much bullshit as here.

It is clear that there is a tonshit of people voting without having any knowledge of the game.

Really sad.


It’s also worth mentioning that at the time, it was like 200-300 votes and it quickly became close to 500. So a 100 votes could dramatically change the positioning.

What irks me is just the instant “Interference! It’s being interference!” I get pinging Stona and the CMs but there’s a couple hundred comments in this post just immediately throwing in the towel and demanding the vote be ignored. Which is disingenuous, putting it politely at least.

What dismisses the supposed efforts of whatever the Russian CC might have been, is the fact that a majority of comments in every single English content creator’s video on it is against it. That they intend to, or have done so, vote no. For the same reasons I’ve shared.

They just don’t trust Gaijin to implement it correctly or fairly, and it’s going to break balancing for no clear benefit as well as ruin people’s favourite vehicles.

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They announced it as APHE rework and of course that means getting rid of the physical impossible fragmentation sphere.

However what they’ve done is instead two options:

A: Test the new feature

B: Buff APHE

How does that make sense? Why would people who mostly play with vehicles that use APHE pick an option that potentially leads to a nerf, when they instead can vote to make it even better?


See, that’s the point;

If those numbers are accurate- it means we got as many votes in 2 hours as we did in the prior 22 hours…

200-300 votes in 22 hours.
Suddenly, +200 more votes in just 2 hours…

Even if we say it was 1,000 votes after 22 hours and suddenly it went to 1,800 in just 2 hours, point would still stand.

The enormous and drastic spike that shifted the vote in the blink of an eye was just weird.

And I repeat; I am no longer going to suggest whether it was CC interference, bots, or whatever- I don’t know what happened and we sadly have no way to know… I only know that something did happen.

You’re right, maybe I am too paranoid. :)

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These are clicks on the links, not votes. I don’t know if it counts how many times it was clicked or how many users clicked it, but either way people can vote through War Thunder’s website too.

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It does, I checked!

Don’t forget there’s also the vote link from sources like discord and the actual news section on the site. Neither of these provide a click count.

Nonetheless it is pretty safe to say that there are less than, maybe around 3000 votes here.

I really hope this change is made, i always wanted a shell that could pierce the tank and not stop at the engine

This will be implemented no matter what, it’s not in the vote.

There are 3 changes and we are voting on the fragment zones. We are voting whether we want to test it and vote again after or do we not want it at all.