Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

And how are these changes bad or a torture like you say?

where did you get the idea that he was lying if the changes had not yet taken effect?)) I voted against because I like the way the shells work now, I don’t even want to look at the test

What a way to take things out of context…

And how can you prove that these changes are good for the game?

Balance: APHE currently outperformed each and every other kind of shell by an enormous, unrealistic margin. No, artificially buffing the rest of shells would not change anything unless you made them one-hit kill any vehicle just by penning a hollow compartment too.

Realism: War Thunder’s very premise has always strived towards authenticity. This does not mean wanting to simulate random engine failures, 10 hour track repairs, full-historical BRs or other nonsensical examples made to diminish the point of this argument- it means keeping consistent the premise when it comes to damage models and physics.

There is not one single objective argument against fixing APHE. The only “argument” is the subjectivity of APHE users enjoying their OP toy too much to accept the possibility of having it corrected to be more grounded and balanced, because the personal neuron activation triggered by hitting a hollow cupola only to proceed to blow up a whole tank is too sweet to compromise it for the good of the game.

And sorry for sounding so blunt and harsh, again- It’s been some long days and I am just frustrated that Gaijin put in the playerbase’s hands to solve an issue that has been plaguing the game since its conception… and we finally have a chance to fix it, it’s being thrown off the sink.


The only sensible argument I’ve heard against this change is that Gaijin is too incompetent.
But that is flawed reasoning that leaves the game stale


I still think they should add a historical gamemode, at the very least let us play around with it in custom battles.

Things like these are small but they really help to keep players engaged and coming back in the long run.

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What do you mean taken out of context? You implied that these changes, although realistic, are bad for the game. I asked you why do you think they are bad.

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Is the special Event allready available?

I mean, the APHE shells that do that do it via overpressure, the proposed change wouldn’t do anything about that.

There is no objective argument for it either. Games are entertainment and entertainment is always subjective. WT too is trying to balance realism and fun, always has been. If Gaijin makes a poll and the majority of people don’t think it’s fun to nerf a damage mechanic involving hundreds of tanks, that’s fine and you have to live with that. Sorry that you’re apparently in a minority.

Voting against a test makes sense because Gaijin is known to just shove things down our throat when they start seriously developing it, no matter if we want it or not. Better to stop them before they even invest serious dev time and ressources into it.

Helldivers 2 is having massive repeated backlash because their favourite toys get nerfed again and again. Most people want to feel powerful. And while I’m always telling people to just flank a well armored tank instead of trying to fight it head-on, I get that people feel powerless when there’s an enemy that they can’t even cripple meaningfully anymore through the few weakspots that still exist.

And for the all-present “AP is almost the same as APHE irl” argument, before you even bring it up: irl you don’t just stay in the tank and fight when an AP shell pens into the crew compartment and splatter the commander all over the crew compartment, or if it hits and disables the engine. Ingame the rest of your crew doesn’t care about your commander dying and you can just fix the engine.

Sorry for sounding blunt and harsh myself, but you’re frustrated that the game doesn’t take the direction YOU want it to take. Most people seemingly don’t consider this “issue” an “issue that’s plaguing the game”. If anything is biased here, you trying to make your opinion about entertainment sound objective is incredibly biased on your end.

I don’t think the BRs should be full-historical, even though in my opinion they could be, if the game had more advanced game modes with longer battles and much bigger maps, as well as the differences in spawn cost, arty and scouting ability.

However, I do think that historical accuracy should be prioritized more than it is now when it comes to BRs. Right now people claim that they prioritize balance over realism, but the truth is that balance is the only thing that matters. Realism is not taken into account at all when changing BRs. The only reason BRs are in any kind of chronological order is because in reality tanks become better and better.

Simulator battles could become the historical gamemode. What’s the point of immersive controls, if you have arcade matchups.

It should be natural that if you step up from arcade to realistic or from realistic to simulator, the matchmaking also becomes more realistic.


ASU-57 begs to differ lol

There was no poll option for “leave it as it is now,” only a) make APHE significantly more powerful or b) test a proposed fix to keep it from NOT becoming more powerful.

Before this week no one was saying they wanted APHE to be much more powerful than it already is. But because of a flawed question that’s what the community hasvoted for.

So now Gaijin has two choices: go ahead and make gameplay and realism WORSE buffing APHE they admit in the OP to this thread is already performing in an unbalanced and unrealistic way, or throwing this poll out.


I would prefer to leave everything as it is. I had enough realism with the ATGM

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It’s funny to hear the people wanting the change say they want it for balance and realism at the same time. Real isn’t balanced or always fun. There are plenty of things in the game which are blatently fake- like boundaries on the map which prevent light/medium tanks from doing what they were designed to do, or 10 second repair times for everyone saying people should just learn to shoot the gun and tracks on heavy tanks which would get buffed instead of the cupola.

The buff which isn’t up to vote is realistic. So regardless of the outcome, we are getting more realistic APHE than we have in game currently.

But if you don’t want APHE to be “OP” and “unbalanced,” just make that argument.

But let’s be real- who would play a mode to spawn Pz.38 (t)s against KV-1s?

Or M4A1s vs Tiger IIs?
Or Chi-Has vs M4A2s?
Or Leopard Is vs T-64As?
Or T-72As vs M1A1s?

No, the poll is availible until 20th of august then if they do the test it will take long time according to them

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To which part are you referring?

Shame they didn’t give that as an option then.


I imagine that if someone wants to play a sim game mode, he is willing to put up with challenging realistic matchmaking. Otherwise all that immersion is for nothing.

If there was a bracket with Pz.38 (t)s and KV-1s, the soviets would also have BT-7s in that bracket.

To make someone want to play a Pz.38 (t)s or BT-7s in that bracket, the game mode should be more advanced and maps should be bigger. There is no point in historical matchmaking, if the battles are played out in an arcade manner.

Maybe ground EC or something like that, with economy. Even in games like CS there is an economy aspect.

There is room for experiments, as ground sim is practically dead anyway, only air sim is alive. Ground sim is no way more realistic than ground rb. The only difference is gunner’s sight and always zoomed in 3rd person view.

It’s getting off-topic, so I’ll link the thread about ground sim: Ground SB has to be more immersive

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I think a more likely explanation is that the poll is rigged.

Think about it: if they had simply announced that they would buff the APHE by adding the nose fragment, with no downsides, people would get angry.

But now they have a plausible deniability: “See, it’s not our fault, we gave you a chance to nerf the APHE, but it seems like most of you don’t like this idea. So, go on, blame those other guys, not us.”

Gaijin gets what they want and shift all the blame on some nebulous, ill-defined, group inside the playerbase itself.

They’ve learned from their previous failures when they had to concede to the playerbase what they demanded. They know that if community unites we can force them do what they don’t want to.

You are naive if you think Gaijin will let you have a voice in how they make money.

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