Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

If they do go through with the test they should make it so only people who played on the test server can vote


The event wouldnt be on live server ?

They would do a test server, like how they release updates

Then all console players will be out of the match, i thought they would do it like they did with infantry, boat, sub and else

No. It would be tested on a live server, read what they’ve said

Please provide examples of what I missed.

Please provide examples/elaborate to aid my understanding.

This vote is only for testing fragmentation fields. I believe these should be re-worked now, while Gaijin is already focused on APHE, because we don’t know the next time this issue will be revisited. I would be interested to hear if you have any other issues that you believe Gaijin should focus on instead, though.

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It’s ok, console players als ways get shafted but the YouTube videos of the dev server are cool enough ig. Not for voting on it though.

Neither of us are right, it’s an event. Not live or dev server.

I still stand by my point, if they don’t play the event using APHE, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


“they’re still reworking aphe” awnsering the sentence saying why could we also vote no. Then you give pieces of the first part of the article that has no link with what we’re voting.
And for the ideas instead of doing this, i already awnsered but mods made the guy and me understand that this is above the subject of the article so i wont make the error twice

Event are on live server ?

Yes but as lot of ppl wrote, nobody can know if the change is good if they havent tried it yet

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I see, my apologies.

Unfortunate but understandable.

Still think it should be re-worked either way though otherwise this is just a buff to the most OP ammo in the game.


Ye i also think that there were no need for another buff of aphe, and excuses accepted with pleasure ! :)

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So, now as not only British player but actually APHE.
I can say it is over powered

Event Server, accessible by all players through the live server

No, it’s NOT ultimately irrelevant. Realistic mechanics and vehicles are the main selling point of this game.

The fact that you can play realistic vehicles, that have realistic damage models, with just a mouse and keyboard, is probably the only reason people play this game.


Oh ok then sorry

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Let me give you an absurd example.

Random Nation proposes to teach sadomasochism in schools.

A vote is taken, but you can’t vote because you haven’t tried it? Absurd, isn’t it?

I know it’s not the best example. But just so you understand me.
Just because you haven’t tried something doesn’t mean you can’t have an opinion on something. And even more so when there is no one who has tried it and speaks from experience.

The truth is that these “realistic” and “good” rafters are pretty scary. Because it is not the first time that a change for the better, changes for the worse. And more when it is a change that no one has asked for, the truth is that I would prefer that they fix other things that in my point of view, are much more important and relevant than this.

I hope you understand why people do not vote positively to this, and more when nobody has asked for it.

However, I do think that they should put the test event at the same time as a vote to see if these changes will be implemented, so we can have a clearer vision of how these changes will affect us.

Yes true, that can be bad also, but that’s why we need to test before it’s implemented

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Thats… an extreme example, it’s also a moral issue. The one I had in my head was a bit more normal

City X is a big tourist hub for City Y, in the middle it has a large attraction that’s popular with the tourists, but annoys residents. They plan on taking a vote in City X to keep it or remove it. It isn’t fair to the City X residents to let residents from City Y vote because the residents of City Y have never tried living with the attraction.

I am strictly an air player, sure I have opinions on this subject but didn’t vote in the polls because it doesn’t affect me and wouldn’t be fair to ground players.

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