Gaijin likes to maintain that the game accurately represents vehicles as a marketing tactic.
Oh look, a APCR round in a perfect vacuum with zero angle and its definitely just not gonna just be absolutely eaten in actual gameplay
Are we seriously going to go down the hole of how bad APCR is?
Take Scorpion, one of the least offensive apcr grind due to the fact that it have just a shit ton of flat pen for its tier, still gets eaten all the time in actual gameplay, with extremely inconsistent damage if it actually pens. crew can just sometimes eat a acpr to the face and be red/orange or a crew can just absorb a entire shot for another crew member, not to mention when any angles is involved you are garunteed to have a non pen
you have a whole team to help you
Boy am i not sure about that
In a similar vein, the entire M48/60 family becomes vastly more of a threat to GER/RU players…
Except for the GER Pattons that is, lol
It sounds like if “No” wins, we are still going to get the added mechanics that will buff APHE when it’s already very powerful. We really don’t need APHE to preserve the warhead and generate additional spall combined with the unrealistic distribution of the explosive fragments today.
It’s unfortunate that we’re only voting for the “nerf” part of the change. If we’re not going to adjust the fragmentation areas, I would much rather keep the bugged mechanics of APHE that at least bring a slight sense of balance to it. This needs to be an all-or-nothing change.
I’m writing this as a US main that has always used APHE & voted Yes to Test out the changes. I was really looking forward to a more realistic simulation of fuzed shells, including the extra challenge from it.
“more realistic” is not always better. I absolutely hate the missile physics change(don’t get me wrong, sam and heli atgm needed to be nerfed, but not like that). If there is a choice, I’ll always choose gameplay over realism. Not to mention the game has tons of things that are far from being realistic.
All that Paradise says is: “u can’t vote NO without trying the changes at test, it is stupid”.
K2 just cry and came up with nonsense, about the increase of br, And for the hundredth time, like other YouTubers, he lied that this is an absolute nerf and after the test they will immediately roll out to the Base server.
And again, since he made conclusions about the damage before the test, his opinion MUST be ignored.
honestly i think we see what its like and make descisions based on the results
And again saying people should follow others opinions instead of thinking for their own, you’re no better.
And again.
As i said very ago, after test u can says everything about new damage, and i will not condemn it. But I am categorically against people who saying something without any try.
Both for yes and no
Whole community decides what vehicle is better/OP without ever trying it yet here testing is mandatory, i see.
Are u okay?
Everyone knows what APHE in real life can’t oneshot to a commanders cupola.
And everyone see that APHE in game can.
And i also tried Tiger 1E, and i I have strong rights to say that it is over powered.
Also all APHE vehicles have very Inflated battle Rating higher br than it actually Efficiency.
Because APHE shells over powered. And all current APHE vehicles has Unresrticted power.
The ATGMs are not realistic, one thing is that when they come out of the tube they fall a little downwards, but for that the shuttles are slightly elevated with respect to the aiming point, to compensate for that fall. The fall that the ATGMs have now does not It’s realistic, it’s a nerf pulled out of the ass by gaijin.
I think up to 90% don’t know, casual players don’t know irl performance.
No = stupid ?
You know, ppl that vote no are equiped with the same brain than the others, so they Can vote on their own, and also the principe of a poll IS that all the awnsers are corrects (if they are justified). By trashing the guys that didnt vote like you, the first guy was right, you’re not doing better than them. Btw “no” voter Can vote no because they would rather gaijin to focus on other features/patches than doing this rework and delaying others things.
Game =/ real life, that’s why it’s a game and not a sim tool or a proper software and trying to recreate realistic shells on sim doesnt take less than 20ms like in the game
I think if APHE will have the historical buff, at least the proposed historical “debuff” should be added as well. Otherwise, we can not simply give the characteristics that previously were unique to solid AP, as if the solid AP wasn’t already bad enough (especially to certain subcaliber shots).
Why would they be looking forward to an APHE nerf?
The rework has some benefits, like creating heavy shell fragments that can disable gun breeches instead of just confetti explosion that mostly damages, crew, ammo and gun traverse.
But in general it will make APHE less effective, since you need to aim better instead of the giant AoE that is the current fragmentation sphere, and killing crews is just the most efficent way to take out vehicles.
I voted yes. We, as a community, need to use it and test it for say yes or no in a definitive way