Which is why being nuked by APHE is the opposite of fun, right?
I know I’m damn well privileged. I’ve mostly played Germany, USA, and Japan, all of which have absolutely stupid good APHE rounds… And more than anything, they need to act more realistically so people playing nations like Britain, France, etc have a better chance at having fun.
French ap over 100mm are very good, but yes french 75 IS smthg else and the fact that wt isnt life simulator is to say that the fact it’s a realistic rework doesnt give it more value than an other valid one
With french tanks the problem isnt only the ammo, and nerfing aphe doesnt make ap better
Ah, yes. Because French AP over 100mm is alright, every other solid shot and APCR round in the game that isn’t doesn’t exist…
I just spoke for french case mate dont have Bad faith, btw setting the aphe AT higher br still doesnt awnser ap problem since the issue isnt pen
It’s not bad faith, just that everyone uses the example of french 100mm.
Pretty much every other solid shot (and even the french 100mm) underperforms most of the time, people just love the french 100mm so much because most of them are on autoloaded platforms and have adequate spalling.
These APHE changes wouldn’t set it to a higher BR, in fact, many vehicles with non-overpressuring APHE could go lower like the Jumbo and a good few others. This change would benefit the game at large if followed by BR shuffles (like what happened almost immediately after the introduction of AMRAAMs and the like to top-tier air), and it’d make quite a few tanks less of a massive pain to play.
For example, imagine how M48/M60 players (in every country they’re in- USA, China, Germany I believe?) would feel about finally being able to play their tank without getting one-shotted in their massive unarmored tumor of a cupola?
For 100mm guns i wasnt reffering the 7.7 boys, you have a taste of these shells in 5.3 with arl44 having a 100+mm ap and of course no autoloader, oh and it has more than 200mm of pen. And pls dont say me jumbo deserves lower br, it Can eat clueless german until 6.0, it’s not only about gun, and that rework would even buff it
Tbf, the ARL-44 is also lacking the semi-autoloader it had in reality. But the gun absolutely can slap when it wants to, just sometimes settles for turning whatever it hits into Simpsons :P
Still, though, lower-caliber solid shot is just anemic.
…And the only reason the Jumbo’s able to do much to higher-tier tanks is precisely because of cupola weakspots and lack of knowledge of its enemies. People seem to want to do anything but shoot the extremely weak MG port.
Ye but it’s also because it’s a low caliber, 57mm soviet and low tier aphe arent nor mini nuke. For the Jumbo i think the lack of aknowledge also counts for the br, i mean kv1 has same weak frontal plate than tiger 1 but is also very good tank, and better than tiger at its br, same 2c bis’s ammo Can be easily touched AT any angle resulting the biggest War crime you have every seen, but i have 11.5 ratio coz enemy doesnt know this
Should be the next priority. Things like that just shouldn’t happen. You pen the armor, you hit ammo directly and then the game is like: Nah, that wasn’t good enough.
This shouldn’t be a matter to vote on. If Gaijin said in the article that realism is important for them, then just do the changes.
Players will never vote genuinely on such matters. They will only look at what they will get out of it and if their favourite vehicles will become better or worse. Alternatively they will choose the option, that seems more fun and easy, without looking at the bigger picture.
Imagine if people had to vote on historical reports, nothing that’s a nerf even if it would make the vehicle more accurate would get passed, only buffs.
I think a majority vote should be the way the decision is made, the people playing the game know what they want and I’m fine with the outcome either way. It’s a video game after all so historical/mechanical accuracy is ultimately irrelevant.
Too many people don’t care about historical stats.
If you give them a Tiger with 60°/s turret traverse, they’ll gladly take it and complain when it gets “a massive nerf”.
Not even that; since the votings would be spammed by people who dislike said vehicles or their players, in order to negate potential corrections, just because they don’t like to face those vehicles.
Which is kinda what’s happening with APHE; people voting “no” just because they fear their super weapon may no longer be such.
I think this sentiment and mindset is a product of adding vehicles that are still mostly classified, no one cares about historical accuracy because it’s impossible to achieve.
The focus on weaponry and systems that are still classified has shifted the main target audience so much that the game no longer has an attainable way to be accurate and just cements it’s self as an arcade vehicle game which is what it has always been realistically, now it’s just more honest about it.
The end result will never be perfect. It’s a game.
the people playing the game know what they want
no they don’t because they haven’t even tried it yet
I think the current system is fine. I’ve been using it for 10 years and have no real complaints with it.
Then why cant we have half-complete vehicles?