Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

image being happy for an issue lol

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They will still try, WOWS fell into that trap, especially with the model costs of ships by their own quote being 3 or more times more expensive compared to ground and planes

I dont play the jumbo much- more concerned about the other variants.

define “horrible stats”

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Yeah APHE isn’t broken, in real life you can disable tanks by shooting the cupola too


Is APHE being good really an issue tho?

The event was still centeres about infantry
Btw here’s another exemple : plane and tank race
And an other : sailing boat

it’s always K/D, the dopamine addicted COD players always talk about K/D


dude… I dont know if you are trolling or not. If for you WT and WT Mobile are the same game, you have the same credibility of my mum If she said something about this game

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Gameplay, no, realism yes, the whole argument for and against the whole thing really is gameplay vs realism.

having a sub 3kd with the t32 and the t26e5 as an example



Also the problem with the panther is that the volumetric manlet makes it impossible to even pen the damn thing with any consistency. Once you pen it the breach isnt a problem. Cupolas are way more consistent.


Can’t believe some people are defending this BS

I mean… that would very well happen in real life.

You shoot cupola, not only does the tank get penetrated which already makes the crew likely to bail out, you also likely killed the commander which just leads to panic among the crew, as the person that actually gives orders and spots tank is dead and you have no idea where the shot comes from.

So yes, a cupola penetration in real life would probably disable the enemy tank in one way or another.

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I find it incredibly funny how you’re saying this despite mostly having payed your way to top tier, having far more battles in a premium MBT than any other tank in your roster :P

Maybe think of the fact some of us learned the game the normal way?

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Not all events are tests for new modes or vehicle types.

They can be entirely for fun or to test a mechanic that might not be instantly apparent, like the ability to destroy tires in the last april fools event.

Gaijin really shouldn’t be claiming their game is realistic, I feel if they keep doing it realism should be a priority if you ask me, but if they just removed that idea then I’d be more fine with incorrect things in game but they wouldn’t do that because of marketing.

not everytime dude! this is not WoT. I think you should change game

You seem to be mistaking the skins they put on actual testing. the sailing boats were the initial test for boats and how they would interact with the water. Races were never testing, they have been in the game from the start, and use stuff carried over from the single player missions, which were just reuse of assets from IL-2

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