Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Crazy how nowhere in this reply you mentioned the explosion of the shell destroying everything inside it, maybe it’s because it doesn’t happen

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I don’t see what your point is. Realism shouldn’t be a detriment to gameplay.

it uses all the same assets in effectivly ultra low, with reduced team sizes and a slightly modified ui, its the same game XD

Someone else has already stated that the damage of APHE mirrors the fact that in real life a penetration leads crews to bail out.

Didn’t feel important to repeat something that has already been said.

? I didnt pay my way to top tier I bought a premium to make the grind faster me having a lot of battles in a premium thats a direct downgrade of a tech tree tank doesn’t mean anything am I not allowed to have disposable income? how does “paying your way to top tier” indicate a lack of skill

Ye but the submarine was 2 Times and last was 1 year ago or more, same for infantry, sailing was before 2020 if im right

some were clearly for fun like the walkers, ponies, gaijilla, and the inflatable tanks.

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The breach becomes far more consistent once using a 76 or 90mm. If you’re using the US 75mm, just tap their muzzle brake with your stabilizer, track them, and move in for a sideshots.

As if those are mutually exclusive

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Ok lets add apfsds to the Maus. Like you said gameplay>realism


The first sub test was more a test for tv guided munitions, the more recent one was the first real sub test

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Even still it should be more reliable than what it is.

The VK 30.02 (M) mantlet is significantly more reliable to penetrate than a normal Panther’s precisely because it’s modeled propperly.


all the fragments follow the direction of the shell, it’s called momentum, I’m sorry but the gunner and the loader of the Tiger wouldn’t die because a shell hit the cupola from the front. this is the reason why people are voting on the change as this wouldn’t happen in real life, APHE shrapnel shouldn’t make up for crew panic, because that was also a feature the playerbase voted down.

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Ppl ask for an event that hasnt been taken in a mode always availible, i took the races in planes and tanks for gaijin birthday

So what, maybe those were tests and gaijin realised the tested ideas wouldn’t fit the game, wouldn’t work or would be way too much work to actually implement.

With a caveat that it matters which crew members have died: for example I don’t see the gunner dropping controls and bailing out instead of continuing to shoot the visible enemy even after the driver and co-driver have died.

On the other hand, if both the gunner and the commander have died, I’m positive that the rest of the crew would bail instead of taking their places and continuing to fight willy nilly.

True. But that’s a modeling issue, not an APHE issue, and thus shouldn’t be considered when talking about the balance of the entire game at lower tiers.


How does this apply to the post I am replying to? Me or the post I am replying to doesn´t mention WOT in any way.

So it’s a game mode that has been tested in event, that is wanted by community but gaijin hasnt set availible. So i guess it’s a good exemple

People were asking for testing events, the races are not testing, they are just a thing that has existed since the game came out. They are in the custom games lobby iirc.

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