Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Just read that Gaijin writes about new version more attentively.

the longer it takes to fix APHE the more excuses people will throw for it’s permanent state of fantasy, in 5 years people will say the exact things they’re saying right now

Again, you lose nothing voting for a test. If it’s bad it’s bad, and people will vote no, but apparently the community at large is too deluded to read and thus we lose even the possibility of a good thing coming out of this in favor of an unneeded buff for an already overpowered shell type.

This may be an unpopular take but WT is a much faster game then world of tanks, even in RB mode, why would i shoot someone 12 times to send them to the hangar when i can ammo rack them with a single shot if i know what i am doing.

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You are absolutely delusional.


Yeah you really didn’t get my point. It is fine, read again and try to comprehend.

no we can read, we just know its a monkeys paw, if you think otherwise you have just not been paying attention.

Not even wanting gaijin to test these changed so they can focus on other things is an argument, what you want them to work on another buggy major update or work on other quality of life stuff like regenerative steering for tanks that has been missing from the game for 11 years? They won’t work on good things like that lol

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No just been playing the game long enough to know how the snail operates.

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There are other, more important things then that.

You cannot read.
It is a test event, like others in the past, example: Severe Damage mechanic.
It is not a definitive implementation, and they would take votes and feedback after.
Please, I beg you. Go back to school, learn reading comp.

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I would love a War Thunder with more damage in all the bullets (realistic damage), without an impact camera, without a death camera, and that the tanks are destroyed by losing half of the crew (tank with 5 crew members and you kill them the 3 in the tower = tank destroyed, it has 3 and you kill 1 = tank destroyed).

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Ah, so it was removed for being useless, got it.

If it’ll stay for 5 years i could also mean that ppl would gaijin to do others things before. And this rework not coming without bug, u will get a 5 five year for fixes. Btw if ppl still want to know : NO I DONT THINK THIS APHE IS PERFECT. I Hope will help

So my options are either to

(1) take a slight buff that I didn’t want and isn’t going to matter that much because the shell already does what makes it good very well


(2) take a massive nerf to the thing that the shell does very well and a slight buff to damage in a straight line?

Sorry that Gaijin put me in a bad spot, but I’ll take the “buff” because I just want it to keep doing what it’s good at doing.

“the buff to the already OP round probably won’t be significant even though they felt the need to counter-nerf it, which I voted against” is… a take I guess.


I’m playing this game since early 2014, gaijin mentality have changed many times. Dont talk like you know the future

name one time they have tested something and not implimented it regardless of the feed back ;)

You are assuming it to be buggy before even testing it, so you think it’ll be buggy but you don’t even want to see if it will be or not. Alright I guess.

