Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

You defend the opinion of other people who saying current version work better, than new version seems.

But u all can’t judge by one screenshot, without a try.

Wouldn’t removing the frag sphere do a similar thing though? like getting penetrated wouldn’t be a guaranteed one-shot if you’re hit with APHE, and if the gap between that and solid shot is smaller than the low tier stock grinds would be a little less painful/imbalanced, no?

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That is the key to gaijin’s mistake. When the GF started there was only Germany and Russia, both using mostly APHE and the tanks usually died with one shot, but since it was equal for both, the player who played better, who was positioned better, won. on the map and that they had better aim. With the arrival of the Americans something began to look wrong, the light ones with Full AP often gave problems when shooting, but with the arrival of the British it was already clear, they could not continue using a damage model so horribly made and full of damage recording errors for non-aphe bullets. Unfortunately gaijin has decided to leave the garbage as it is, being garbage, even more so after having dumped many of the veteran players, making it easier for them Make whatever disasters you want with the game, with the sole purpose of making quick and easy money.

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afaik they have a dedicated team looking into bugs and trying to fix them, it’s why there are regular “It’s Fixed!” posts


you lose that dopamine hit aphe gives, lose the hook, there is a reason they had to give the swedish reserves that apds round they never used from the 50s.

Ok i see, there are still plenty of to do, i think we will all finish grinding all trees when there’ll bé no bug on wt

But they will have even more difficulties to kill a tank, they’ll get bored and leave

Mate, there is no way the game ever becomes bug-free.


Garbage take, especially since the “Yes” option is YES TO A TEST. Not the change.

“BuT GaIjIn CoUlD mEsS iT uP”
Then vote yes for the test to see if they do? Then afterwards, if it’s broken, you can vote no on implementation or give feedback.

But that’s not what you’re really saying, is it? You just want to keep APHE in it’s current state because it’s brokenly overpowered compared to every other low-tier shell and you like it that way.


couldn’t you use this same argument to criticise the removal of HE though? Losing the dopamine hit of those OVP one-shots, losing that hook, and not keeping new players?

Unpopular opinion, but: I don’t like this game to have too much focus on the game-y mechanic where one must use his magical X-ray camera showing you the damage your shell does in order to hunt down every crew member in the vehicle to kill it. If anything one-hit kills are much more realistic, because IRL after someone inside the tank dies, the rest of the crew bails out. Either way the vehicle is “killed”.

This whole idea of APHE rework is a waste of time when Gaijin needs to make more drastic changes to the game.

Instead of fiddling with APHE they need to buff the lethality of other types of ammunition. Even by adding a weaker version of the “sphere of death” with smaller radius and fewer fragments to solid shot, despite it beign nominally “unrealistic”.


You are talking like the APHE are not a problem in this game. It’s like talking with a wall.


you could always suggest a mechanic that forces players to J out if a crew member dies?

And again im not for the rework because i find current one perfect i say no coz i think gaijin has other important things they have to do (and they also think either they wouldnt make the poll)
Other i said is that ppl complains about heat, shock being not in game so they want more dmg, but they are also for a system that prevent this exact thing

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The changes aren’t even an outright nerf, the damage is increased in a forwards direction based on momentum of the shell, They’ll be fine.


I’m sure so many people would vote yes to that one

I said it’s not the first problem of the game…In awnser you give : no
What do you want me to do ?

If you like dopamine hits I have a high speed game for you called World of Tanks


not in the slightest, and proves you were not around when it was removed as at the time he did next to nothing to even open top vehicles.

when you see that in a gaijin post it means if they do it your getting it even if its trash as they put time into it, i have seen it several times, and the end results were mixed to say the least.

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