Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Thats not what i am saying at all, what i am saying is when they do big changes they have a habit of making a mess, and then grossly over correcting or making the game worse for it, see pilot damage or last man standing.

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anything else you want to add to your “Erm well actually”

So what lol? it’s a good change and players be damned, if they had their way ground hugging would still happen all the time

A patch for ghost shellc ouldnt need an event and neither need a poll

Pretty sure they can’t fix ghost shells

All “your” arguments sound silly cause u all says:“Current version is better” EVEN WITHOUT TEST OVER VERSION.


afaik ghost shells are more of a networking thing than a fundamental part of the code seeing as your client shows the shell firing but the server doesn’t register it, idk if the same people would be working on both things

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needing to actually aim is not the problem, the issue is tanks have literally been balanced around their weak spots to aphe. being able to aim doesnt mean anything if you cant frontally pen the guy looking at you, other than pop a commander before being sent back to hangar

They Can try to do so we dont know if it’s impossible, or Can not be reduced, but that was just an exemple

Sucks to not have APHE I guess

You don’t need to frontally pen everything with APHE to begin with

pretty sure they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with ghost shells for years at this point tbh

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The problem remains: saying ‘‘no’’ for a test ( not the implementation) is pretty stupid

A good change isnt something that breaks the game or makes it less fun. This would definately make the game more unfun, and would likely put off new players, as well, there is a reason they removed HE from rank one.

Ok search any of my comments that says the current system is better

They already did try to, there have been multiple hotfixes working on making ghost shells less frequent, but they most certainly cannot get rid of them, as ghost shells are a networking problem and they cannot fix peoples connections

You kind of do, its basically how 60% of ground is balanced XD

New players aren’t going to know what the old APHE was like if they play after the changes if it happened unless they went out of their to view old gameplay.

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Maybe we understand and don’t want to give you two chances at having this mechanic implemented…

I dont think so
I think gaijin should focus on bug patch or a rly New add instead of making this test. I dont mean it’s a useless test i mean that nobody knows what would gives the next poll, ppl could too say no then devs spent hard Time for nthg instead of doing things they know ppl would like in the majority