Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Blame war thunder being marketed as realistic and then APHE nuke shells being what they see.


The mantlet and corners are volumetric nightmares. It is never consistent.

I seriously doubt that the buff is going to be as significant as the hype around it. The effect that we are voting on now is the one that yields the most kills from killing all the crew to ammo detonation. The other effects are slight buffs for sure, but APHE and AP rounds with explosive fillers are already a fairly consistent one-hit kill when you hit the areas where the buff would matter.

Read the original article at the top of this thread maybe?

Well yes but the problem doesnt come wt, it Comes from these person who confuses wt/wot and other game for documentary or the holy truth. Re building a car in 1 hour in car mechanic simulator doesnt mean you will do it in 1 hour alone

The chad who votes for nerf test


So APHE getting even more broken is perfectly fine? lol


We are almost at 1000 replies of arguments, insults and complaints!

C’mon guys, I believe in us!

This is the counter-part in the russian forum. Голосование: улучшения каморных снарядов - #711 от пользователя war164712 - Новости и обновления - War Thunder — официальный форум

It looks like they prefer an ‘‘arcade game’’

of course they do

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I like how APHE getting a buff in regards to the head of the shell being a part of it’s damage model no matter if the vote is yes or no is being added anyway keeps being missed and has been pointed out multiple times, I wonder how many people who voted on these changed actually read the post and what they were voting for.


I mean tbf, this is already an arcady game. Doesnt mean tho that gaijin should completely go against what they originally went for

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They say they are the most realistic tank/boat/plane game, it’s different

ehmm no…

This guy on the russian forum is on the same page as me and a few of my friends who have voted no



They will buff the aphe but that’s not a part of the poll

At this point the only hope of the test going through is a sudden influx of yes votes or Gaijin deciding to do it anyways, chances are nuke APHE will stay alive and well for the foreseeable future

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This buff is fairly insignificant though

More arguments than 500 last messages

-did not even try to understand what to change.
-Not to give a chance
-press no, cause u just can’t read and don’t understand what you are being asked to test first .

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It was just for the Guy asking why do ppl speak about buff