Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I think the best use of APHE is against bunkers using high capacity APHE rounds. But even then they also developed AC shells for that, that carry many times more HE filler.

coming at it a little different angle, it’s fun when a game that claims to be realistic disseminates incorrect info about the performance of something in real life in which you have to correct a million times in online discussions or whatever, there’s reasons why the British chose solid AP over APHE and why the US switched after WW2, but then you have to explain a million times that no, APHE isn’t like what War Thunder portrays it as, at least even if these changes don’t pass I’m a little happy a lot more people know APHE in WT is BS


If u read, u should notice that half of APHE will work as an normal AP, but other half still cause explosive.

The poll was, should explosive be old or players should try new version? And part of APHE will work as an AP anyway without a vote.

Just buff for APHE.


You cant simulate a realist impact as you see on video coz they take days/weeks to do. Wt sim doesnt has a tenth and wt claims to be the best shell sim game and i guess it’s true i find wot less realistic


In real life, APHE was somewhat better than AP, but many operators did not find the reliability risks to be worth the effort.

In War Thunder, APHE is a thermonuclear bomb that guarantees a kill as long as it finds itself inside a vehicle.

Funny thing is, since reliability is not simulated in War Thunder, APHE would STILL be better than its contemporaries, and even more so after the ballistic cap buff it’s 100% getting, even if the 360º sphere matter was corrected.

This is absurd and those voting against this correction are just too afraid to having to use their favourite toys in a reasonable manner like everyone else.

And sorry for being so blunt about it at this point, but this is just madness.


The poll is if we want to test it, not implement it.


The vote is buff aphe but nerf it in other areas or straight up buff aphe, people not knowing this makes it obvious that Gaijin should communicate this kind of thing better or not put it up to vote to begin with

It has 200m on the front plate instead of 100 and those weak angled plates on the front are much easier to work around than your entire upper fronnt plate, especially considering that if you limit your ammo you will have it only behind one of the weakspots, the one where also a gunner and driver is. So even if you expose the 2nd weakspot you still shouldn’t suffer any lethal damage

But They evaluated the destruction of an enemy tank, not the knocking out of the crew. Both AP and APHE pen through the engine, completely removed this unit.

There is no different.

Ah yes, sorry
I correct it.

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That is a buff. Also, why is that quote so long winded and wordy? I’ve noticed that so many of these posts from Gaijin are just very long and hardish to follow.

Painting everyone who voted now as someone who wants APHE to stay OP shouldn’t be done. My hot take is that APHE is fine as is, and that changing it won’t make solid shot any better.


I voted against it because it won’t make solid shot better, and that Gaijin won’t properly balance the game after the changes are implemented. Once again, you are painting those who don’t have your opinion as a single entity who just wants stuff to be “OP.”


Well, they are painting everyone who voted “yes” to be “a GeRmAn MaIn WhO wAnTs ThEiR tIgEr To Be InViNcIbLe”, so I guess this is just war at this point.

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Sometimes, (X) is only bad in relation to (Y) because (Y) is overwhelmingly broken.

In these cases, making (X) even stronger to match (Y) is not the solution; rather, correcting (Y) so that it is closer to (X) levels, which DOES make (X) better relative to (Y).


It does make it better relative to the proposed changes, but that still doesn’t make it good.

Spall will still be eaten by fuel tanks, it will still barely spall on light armour, and it won’t buff any tank in a meaningful capacity.

What’s clear is that solid shots won’t be any better by maintaining APHE’s artificial nuke superiority status.

Of course spall is eaten by fuel tanks; that’s why many designs literally use fuel tanks as internal protection. Of course it will barely spall on light armour; you can’t make spall where there isn’t metal to spall… so changing any of that would imply making further artificial buffs.

Only real issues regarding solid shots as of now is APCR being unreliable and breaking apart/bouncing off with extreme ease and APDS shattering all the time.

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Hold on, I’ve just realized something:


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My point is, the layman plays WT and the game makes the average person think “Why did people bother using solid AP, APHE is clearly superior, why did the British/French/Post War Americans even bother with solid AP?” This is something that bleeds into real life discussions, people really shouldn’t trust games like WT to get their info, but most people don’t go out of their way buy books on tanks or look at archive documents online, IRL APHE and solid AP both have their benefits and drawbacks to each other, but the game makes it look like APHE is just plainly better and this bleeds into real life and is an issue.

People get incorrect ideas from games like this and that spread into irl, so much misinformation comes from WoT and War Thunder and I’ve wished this would be something that would be corrected for ages, but the playerbase doesn’t agree which is somewhat fine, but at least more people know APHE shouldn’t be as good as it is.


Well that’s a bit part of the nose but you can clearly tell it’s not the entire nose, innit.

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Ah I was comparing Tiger H1 and Tiger E, my mistake. Porsche Tiger will still have a (vulnerable 82mm neck - edit, this is layered so it’s not a weakspot, oops) which can’t be angled, if you get the right corner you’ll be hitting at least gunner, likely also commander and MG position, and if there’s any ammo in either shoulder those will be hit as well. The left corner will get the loader, possibly the gunner, and likely the driver as well (would need a test environment to see).

The change that’s coming regardless of the vote will also let you hit engine and fuel tanks, potentially giving you a chance to go further around the side for another shot. The Porsche Tiger can’t angle like a regular tiger due to its corners, which is the trade off for the 200mm plate. We’d have to get a test environment to see exactly how it’s affected.