Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Where did you see that i mentioned this ? Dont have Bad faith you know that there are important things to do also such as adding vehicle in minor (New vehicle, they are not forced to copy other sherman), ghost shell, problem causing your shell disapearing when you die, br rework for some tank and else

They have for a few aircraft, but the vast majority haven’t been touched.

If only 50k people voted as in April you wouldn’t need to spam new accounts or use banned accounts to bend the result. Not saying it didn’t happen, just that it’s not necessary for what we saw today.

Possibly 2-3% of the active player base voted last time, so long as that’s the sample these things are going to be very influencer-sensitive.

What’s surprising to me was Reddit and other English-language social media or CCs played any role here. That’s the significant thing that was learned here.

Yeah, because it’s about gameplay, not pure realism.

Go play ARMA or whatever if you want a simulator game

Gaijin should fix the huge overlap between the Panther’s turret front and mantlet then, like they did with the VK 30.02 (M)

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So what I gathered from the comments on here so far is, that people are afraid that they might have to aim, just like players that are limited to solid shot do.


I’d rather recommend World of Tanks, you can also disable tanks by shooting the cupola there


These are simulations that takes ages to do ( sim bros mention it often) it sont make it in 20ms on the potatoes that serves as computer for some

No one spammed new accounts or used banned ones in amount significant enough to alter the results. It was already explained that what happend was due to media influence

With respect I think you’re confusing your personal desires for this game with the stated intent of its creators going back 11 years ago.

If you’re just speaking for your own desires say you’re speaking for yourself. Lots of people here can have a different view, one closer to the creators’ own, and your views on how the game should put gameplay-above-all are not shared by a lot of us.


You can also go play your WoT then, you will also be able to just turn around and fight back after getting shot into the side

That explains it:

My faith in humanity is gone. (reduced to atoms, kek)


You said it, 11 years ago

No its not, read the damn proposal youre saying no to just testing the damn thing


Ok why not buffing more the APHE? They still dominate, right? Make them more OP.
Your reasoning has serious problems

Gajin themselves already compromises on a lot of things in favour of gameplay, as no one would ever play a game that is just terrible to play. This is an undeniable fact.

This is not my personal desire, but simply logical point of view.

If your whole point really is only realism without hurting the gameplay, why not add it to just the Simulator mode?

This way people who want arcade gameplay can go to AB, people like me who want the mix go to RB and hardcore 100% realism fans go to SB?

This is what we have all of the modes for? no?

It’s not hard to understand that you have to say yes → i wanna try to see what it does or no-> i would rather gaijin does other things than this test that doesnt mean it will be in game

Your logical point of view is giving fantasy buffs to every shell so they can match APHE? in what bizarro world do you live in


Yeah, imagine APHE was actually behaving like in RL and now players should vote against realism to make APHE more effective.

“Many players have shown the concern that APHE ammo isn’t an effective upgrade over AP.
Thus we decided to increase the lethality of APHE rounds by damaging components in a sphere instead of the current cone shape. We also decided to remove the steel nose, which continues to travel through the target, after the projectile ruptures, and instead made it so that the shell now creates many similiar sized fragments, similiar to HE shells. We belive that this change will make APHE rounds a viable option to use for tanks that rely on penetrating the weak side armor of tanks or have to fire at exposded armor weakspots, as this change aims to maximise the damage of a single shot.
Since we belive that high armor penetration is the most important metric we also decided to give every tank APCR by default, since players having fun is very important for us. Have fun unlocking the newly updated APHE rounds! o7”

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And that’s exactly why I thought they are going to propose to change the sphere damage effect to a cone damage effect. It would still be simplified, but it would actually make more sense from a realistic point of view. And it would also be easy to implement.

But what they proposed is even less realistic than the current sphere damage effect. These green zones are a joke.

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