Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Gaijin nerfed atmg, now ppl complains about it, they add volumetric thing (sry for not remembering the very word for now) and ppl are complaining for its bug and now they want a massive rework of the most common shell, i Guess this is Time devs couldnt spend to fix the current bug and i bet people will complain about the new system. You cant get butter, the money of it and the cow

umm… players can bail out themselves by just holding “J” for three seconds, it can be their own choice, what do you mean?

these tanks aren’t dead due to cupolas as they don’t even face that much APHE slingers, they aren’t even that much dead to begin with

If Gaijin modelled that, there wouldn’t be any need to nerf APHE. It would also make solid shot much better.


If something is unrealistically overperforming you make everything else overperform with it, a guide on game balance

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Except the player’s life isn’t in question when deciding whether to J out or not. This comparison is not better than any of your previous ones

‘‘1 Game has more serious problems’’ and? Following your reasoning no more patch from tomorrow because we have more serious problems lmao

Well it would sure as hell help if a single small caliber APHE from a PT 76 57 wrecks the entire turret crew after penning the upper edge of the cupola. This game is supposed to be realistic and what are getting? Some wot copy pasta game design?

Hé just means that there are serious bug like ghost shell and else, these rly affects the games, aphe change doesnt solve a technical problem so we could deal without it on the paper and i follow him on this point

Okay, and how do you buff it to the point APHE still isn’t massively overperforming? There’s no way on earth solid shot is gonna be able to send shrapnel perpendicular or even behind where the penetration is, so APHE will always be far better…unless we try these suggested changes

There’s a simulation that was run with 128 mm Pzgr.43 which has even higher filler percentage to weight than Russian rounds like 85 mm BR-365 or 122 mm BR-471.

In the simulation, the left-over speed that was needed for fragmentation to be sent backwards was 250 m/s.

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Best part that now No is winning, APHE will get a straight up buff with these changes making the gap between solid AP and APHE even more


you can see that the 330 m/s round does have a forward cone formed by the fragments around the centre, and one cone more focused forward. If you want, the rearward facing cone could be omitted, as in-game the fragments will hit the plate that the APHE round just penetrated, so it’ll do little to no damage anyway. However a round would (though I doubt this is modelled in-game) lose speed as it uses up its energy on penetration, making the rearward cone a not unreasonable abstraction in-game.

Shrapnel should bounce inside the tank.

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I dunno, there are still a fair few tanks at their BR (Or can see them in uptiers) that carry APHE, like the T-54/55s and some of their derivatives, PT-76/57, some SPAA like ZSU-57-2. There is absolutely no reason a 57mm shell should be able to kill the entire crew of an M48/60 by penning the cupola

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No one asked to add or remove realistic features because it is or, respectively, isn’t a thing that is between life and death irl. It’s only about if it’s realistic or not,.

It would get a nerf in spall going outward, but it would be a buff for the spall going forward.

This changes are going to bring a weird calculation model that gaijin will not fix in the close future. Some questions are still not answered. How do they determine the shrapnel distribution of each shell? For example, my M61 can penetrate prototype panther frontally. Every possible cone shrapnel explosion pattern would cause the shell to act like a 75mm French APCBC I guess, even though it has to be a kill realistically.

And everybody has a different realism in their minds. I want slower shrapnel to rebounce inside the tank, but some might not want it.

Backwards fragmentation and higher fragmentation will be enough.

Solid shot already has usually higher pen and better ballistics than it’s APHE counterparts at the same BR, so it doesn’t need to deal as much damage.

The difference just shouldn’t be as big as it already is

There’s a simulation that was run with 128 mm Pzgr.43 which has even higher filler percentage to weight than Russian rounds like 85 mm BR-365 or 122 mm BR-471.

In the simulation, the left-over speed that was needed for fragmentation to be sent backwards was 250 m/s.