Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Many people have complained about tungsten carbide rounds shattering. Most of the people I know say they would rather it be removed. And those same people are also against these new APHE mechanics.

As russian speaker i confirm.
This translate is correct.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s a double standard by gaijin now that every other shell type gets unfairly treated more realistically than APHE, might as well just throw all the “realism” out with every other shell type, bring back old ATGM and SAM guidance and other “realistic” changes like that


Bro, I voted yesterday…

Bringing back old ATGM and SAM guidance would be very good for gameplay. They could keep the more realistic version for SIM.

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I’m just pointing out how one person is saying that the CC told people to vote “no”, and another isn’t". Not attacking anyone here.


Exactly! I should be totally able to massacre a tank’s entire crew by shooting like this!

It makes total sense.


Very good


yes, it’s crucial for the gameplay, smaller ttk!!!

But this is realistic, you can see the excerpts from documents for it.

I am of the belief that the Russian documents and tests are showing a static round, rather than one that is moving.

Realistically the fragmentation just doesn’t move backwards on a moving round. And even the sideways fragmentation, in any moving projectile it doesn’t just move sideways, but forwards as well.

why shells can’t have higher damage to make up for it?

Please, explain how in the hell a solid shot is going to compete with spherical APHE? How the hell do you buff it so it does similar damage? It makes no sense IMO to artificially buff literally every shell type in game to compensate for a known overperforming shell type just because you don’t want to take more than one pen to kill someone.



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You increase the secondary fragmentation angle (armor spall) so that it can cover a larger area, and you increase the damage of said spalling further.

I find it so funny that that isn’t even mentioned in the forum post, and that you need to go into the poll to see it. Who at Gaijin thought not adding that in the post would be a good idea?

I voted no.

  1. Game has more serious problems than this
  2. Let’s increase the realism by allowing some shrapnel caused by shots to rebounce inside the tank.

After all the game is trying to give a more realistic ground fighting experience than any of the games in the market

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I meant specifically AP rounds.

You can see here it is specifically a HE round, which has far higher filler for its weight, which means the force imparted on the fragments when it explodes much more easily overcomes the pre-existing movement of the round. Not to mention it is moving at a very slow speed (for a round), subsonic even.

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So APHE is going to now get an insane buff

50% of the playerbase wants APHE to be nerfed and Gaijins solution is to give it a huge buff…

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Oh well… nice to know the M48s, M60s (+ every other tank with a big cupola) will stay dead bc 90% of Jumbo mains don’t realize that there is the Tiger E and that this vote was for a test server…

I don’t even know what to say anymore


Unsure on that, russian shells have pretty high HE fillers.