Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Some russian youtuber made a very negative video about it and his viewers started voting for no.

With this little votes in a poll even like 50 or 100 votes can change percentages massively

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I hate MFs like that, just let people make their own decision

What’s your issue?

I have said nothing about whether i am for or against the change.

I said that the handholding in WT in general is pathetic. And you cannot blame people for liking it if the game has soo much.

Also why talk about air RB? Who cares if it dies?

And what about your stats? You should dont get an opinion too.

Stfu about stats and stuff like this, You are ridicolous

He did though as far as i know, he never told them to go vote for no, his viewers just came here by themselves after listening to what he has to say

He didn’t force anyone, we made the decision ourselves.

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Yep, the April vote only about 50,000 players bothered with. So flipping one of these really isn’t that hard to do.


If we didn’t have solid shot shells gameplay in war thunder… I would have agreed on this. But we got this kind of gameplay, including subcaliber shells like sabots. I don’t see complaints about that kind of gameplay; gameplay is still quite dynamic, one shots are still pretty often, players are still able to destroy tanks pretty decently and even manage to get nukes. All despite that they can’t just fire shells that nuke the tank’s driver if you fire that shell in the tank’s cupola.
Yes, maybe this change will lessen a little bit of the aphe shells’ capability to one-shot, but it will not turn out as really that bad as some think it will be.

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CAPTCHAs can be bypassed


Yeah thank for the info. But It’s still bullshit a new account can vote.

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Yeah but He claims stupid facts like ‘‘war thunder will be like WoT if you vote yes!!!’’ and thing like this. So…

stop stat shaming and grow up. This is some twelve year old behavior.

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hmm… I think you didn’t watched the video

The cc didn’t tell them to do anything they just made an entire video about how not being able to disable a tank by shooting the cupola will kill the game, nothing that could affect the votes in any meaningful way

I as russian speaker. I can confirm that in all video HE CALLS TO VOTE “NOT”.


never mind then

Duality of man.

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So, Since people would prefer to rather keep APHE unrealistic, why do APCR tungsten carbide APCR and APDS have shattering modelled, I guess if the playerbase would rather have it be more unrealistic might as well remove shattering from them, it’s kind of unrealistic only those 2 shell types have shattering anyway, blunt nose AP is prone to shattering and all other shell types should be capable of shattering if being a bit more realistic, which we don’t want it seems.


it’s also very harmful to gameplay that I can’t insta disable tanks with AP by shooting at their extremities, to fix this Gaijin should give AP shells crew seeking capabilities or model the crew bailing out by giving it a huge orb of death post pen