Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Owari da… brainless gameplay won. Let’s go back using the T-34-85 and aiming the corner of the tank and oneshot it

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how do you buff AP shells to make them instantly disable or destroy tanks by hitting their extremities? tell me bro

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The person you are responding to is just scared that the lack of handholding APHE mechanics will make them perform worse.

I’ve been as ridiculous as your reason to why keep aphe as it is.
You mentioned “gameplay” but where do we draw the line? We draw it wherever we like it to be drawn? it doesn’t work like that.
Aphe doesn’t need a special treatment compared to the rest of the shells. Either all shells become more realistic but helping us have a better gameplay or all of them get a realistic approach to keep things fair among all the shell types.


yeah, he made a mistake here, but more ttk is worse for the overall game regardless of the randomness.

It increases the chance of your kill being stolen, it increases a chance for one of your next shots being screwed up by some volumetric or post pen and is not a great thing for gameplay in general.

The Tiger E is already immune to cupola shots, they can just slap the Tiger H1 up to 6.0 as well.


I also don’t think that “Gaijin can’t balance things at all” and “low tier is already balanced” work well together as one argument against the change. I also don’t think (assuming this is what the russian guy was meaning when he referenced WoT) that cupola shots doing less damage is more WoT-esque, when in WoT an LFP shot and a Cupola shot have the same potential for dealing damage.

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  • All you need is a gaijin account
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On the captcha, you need to do one to make your gaijin account according to the post explaining it

There’s captcha when creating an account.

As already stated by Stona.


Play any tank in general, enemy shows his side, you shoot crew compartment, it is a one shot. That’s how it should be for all types of shells, end of story.

And that’s still how it will be with the changes. It just means that there’s no more sphere of death from APHE that massively buffs them. It’s just not how APHE works. Sure, you might need to aim a bit better with the changes, but that’s nothing people playing France or the UK struggle with, why should the US, Germany, Russia all get a massive buff that didn’t exist IRL?


You cannot really blame someone because they like the handholding though.

The game is holding the players hands hard in every mode that isn’t air sim.

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Unlucky bozo, you managed to ruin air RB with the multipath changes but you people are so unpopular now people won’t vote to ruin ground RB :)

Why do you post this towards me? I made no judgement call on the mechanic itself…

I corrected a math iliterate.

It isn’t ridiculous at all. With 30 second repairs, all modules working without any failures and crew not bailing out after 1st penetrating shot damae models will never be 100% accurate anyway.

War thunder isn’t a 100% realistic simulator, and shouldn’t be, at least in AB and RB. Sim is another story i would actually like them to add this to sim only.

That’s what i agree with

that’s what i don’t agree with.

The game has already made some sacrifices in realism to make it more enjoyable. There is no need to deny it now and add a simply unnecessary and frustrating mechanic straight up increasing ttk all over the board.

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keep in mind that decently aimed solid shot shells can still pretty much one shot tanks still. everyone against aphe changes acting like the mid tier is going to be unplayable, forgetting that solid shots aren’t actually that bad and aphe will still have an upper hand because of it’s explosive fill.


multipathing saved ARB from the tyranny of ground hugging, best decision Gaijin made in years, learn to notch and chaff


You go 0.7 in your most played vehichles, you don’t get to have an opinion.

Just notch and chaff bro it isn’t hard, get up there and fly your jet

It will not. That’s the problem. SIde shots are getting the biggest hit from the changes as shooting crew compartment from the side will no longer blow up the whole crew, but only deal damage in the middle and very little of it upwards, downwards and to the sides.

Japan, Italy, China and Sweden get it as well.

And since all tanks in game regardles of anything already have a huge survivability buff that never existed in real life (crews don’t bail out after 1st penetrating shot), why shells can’t have higher damage to make up for it?

Wtf is going on with the poll?

Why is yes suddenly dropping like a brick?

There’s no way someones boting this lmao