Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Fair enough.

I still think that US APBC should definitely be reworked. APCR in general needs a rework.

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If the voting had had a sensible and consistent progress or evolution over the course of the voting, I wouldn’t have said a thing.

This is not about “losing” or “disagreeing”.

Excuse me for finding it fishy that, after 21 hours of consistent 70-30 results, suddenly and out of nowhere the results are shifted to 49-51 in the blink of an eye.


What APHE rounds did the M41, T92 or M103 fire?

He didn’t say not to worry, he said they feel brandnew accounts should be allowed to vote.

It IS kinda weird that all banned accounts still retain their voting privileges. And after this year there’s a LOT of banned botfarm accounts.


I outplayed an enemy, shoot him first, but because of gaijin turned damage off he can shoot back. Why does he need a second chance? And aiming better does not help, because of volumetric.

I’m sure, because changes which increasing ttk and randomisation happening for many years already. Good example - toptier, HE nerf, volumetric shells, unability to out a barrel, etc.

While I am disappointed in people coming out against these changes but it could have been majority of the people who were for these changed got their votes in early and the larger playerbase as a whole came to vote against it. I think it’s very short sighted the playerbase doesn’t even want to test these changes before they decide, the majority of the playerbase only want to vote on things that would be a clear benefit to them gameplay wise instead of change.

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I listend in game tanks that don’t foire APHE. Read whole discussion again

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ok, if you want to play like this
then remove any sort of ballistics and just make guns fire like lasers, wherever you point your gun barrel, the shell will go instantly; it’s better gameplay, less hassle with aiming the shots.
oh, chemical shells exploding on contact with a small branch or a very thin fence? unacceptable for gameplay, too realistic, make them explode only on contact with the enemy or the ground.
my open top vehicle being taken out just because a wild high explosive shell landed right near it? too realistic, players need to only be taken out by direct hits.


shouldn’t have been able to damage there in the first place, aim better


The players can be excused to a degree. At first glance this seems ok. Not everyone immidiately remembers 7th grad physics.

Gaijin on the other hand…

I mean they have the Velocity vector of the shell available as they need to calculate a collicion of the ingame objects for calculating the hit.

They need to do is calculate how much the shell is slowed down by the armor (which also already exists in game).

So the complicated steps are already done. All they need to do is add the resulting vector into the direction of the energy of the explosion… A simple addition. They stop at the easiest step

Alright, I misunderstood what you meant but that doesn’t change the fact that APHE didn’t work as it was thought to have and it was abandoned for solid AP and APDS.

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You first!

Aim better

Yeah I can see why you need the handholding that is the current APHE mechanics.


what is the point? He is not crying

How has the vote gone from 70/30 to 50/50 in the course of like 12 hours

This definetly does not feel legitimate


While not everything who is voting no is saying this but there’s a small chunk of people voting no because then they’d have to gasp aim like people who use every other shell type, suspiciously soviet mains who also have APHEBC shells that defy physics when it comes to angle pen, vehicles like the IS-2 are carried by the BS angle pen and APHE damage which is whey they’re overtiered but that won’t get fixed at this point

weirdly enough you don’t see me complaining about the APHE change because I don’t use it as a crutch for my lack of aiming


wait, since when taking the time to aim better is brainless gameplay?

@Stona_WT sorry to bother you.

One of the CIS youtuber didn’t figure out situation. And to his audience, he says that changes seems not good therefore we all should vote “NO”

CIS community DOESN’T READ THE NEWS, and all of them vote “NO”.

Cause they think this change will immediately added into the game, not a test.

Developers need to be aware of these dishonest votes.