Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Even if it didn’t fuse, that means it effectively was the same as a solid shot round.

And again, no crew was killed.

So solid shot is also overperforming, yes?

You’re missing the point. The article at the top of this thread is Gaijin saying (admitting, really), “yes, relative to reality and other shell types, our APHE shells are badly modelled and do too much damage.”

Once you’ve seen that, you can’t unsee it. It’s a confession of a modelling failure that is going to haunt them now.


If that is the case, then yes.

I’m not missing the point.

I’m arguing against what @markimash stated of “I dont want unrealistic damage for rounds.”

And how fully realistic damage would be annoying and bad for gameplay.

So where is realism?



And? You think the tank will just shrug that off?
The mantlet will deform and the round will yam itself into the gap. Sure the crew might be unharmed but the tank would be disabled.

The spot where the 122mm shell won’t penetrate is also rather small. It will pen right in the center and right at the top, but not some small area inbetween.


Then there’s this:


Out of nowhere almost 200mm of armor.


There’s just no way the tank would be unharmed after getting hit by a 122mm anywhere at the front.



‘‘And just for your knowledge my most played tanks are SL grinders for boxes, since i am a collector and they have nothing to do with my experience in using various types of shells.’’ Yeah, right! Infact If someone want grind SL or tasks for an event, He use a strong/broken tank (with strong APHE).

‘‘Balance mess it would create is not worth it?’’ You are still talking without testing it. I post a piece of the proposal again:
‘‘Yes, I preliminary approve, I’ll make a final decision after testing’’


Make a topic about It and dont cry here. This is a topic about the APHE

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Did you test it?

Cant wait for the “no” vote to win and aphe just gets a straight double buff.

To everyone who are for these changes, watch this video (with subs on)


How would a solid AP and APCR buff be proposed then? From my experience the post pen damage on APCR isn’t terrible, the larger issue is with the formula gaijin uses which makes APCR shells underperform penetration and severely at that for some APCR ammo, for example T29E3 APCR on the T29 is missing about 90mm of penetration which is the most egregious example I can think of.

As for solid AP, do a lot of people not know there’s a mechanic that when an AP shells penetrates thicker armour compared to the penetration of the shell itself the shell will produce less post-pen damage which is somewhat realistic and this affects all AP and APCR rounds. Do people just want unrealistic levels of post-pen damage on AP and APCR like how APHE is treated so unrealistically right now? Why is APHE allowed to be unrealistically good why every other shell type is treated somewhat realistically.


I am annoyed the vote is even this close. A lot of people would rather have the game less realistic and frankly less balanced than face any kind of game change. They’d would keep the ridiculous cupola snipe meta than play any kind of serious tank combat.


I just pointed out how a long 88 round in real life penetrated an M26, passed between the driver’s legs, hit ammunition and all the crew left the tank before it exploded.

Not only was no crew killed, in WarThunder it could’ve technically returned fire.


The vote wasn’t close at all for 21 hours.

For 21 hours, “Yes” won by 70-30%.

However, just a few hours ago, there was a sudden and not-at-all-suspicious spike in “No” votes that shifted the whole vote from the consistent 70-30 tendency that it had had for 21 hours, to 50-50… just within 2 hours.

I don’t know if we are facing a vote manipulation attempt or if it’s just a tinfoil hat theory; but I know that, if it’s really the case, Gaijin will know. They have all the data necessary to analyse and draw conclussions. If suddenly votes spiked by 500% at a specific point in time to shift the results towards the losing option, Gaijin will know there’s something fishy there.


Identical for Churchill, passing through the side and out the back of the engine. In British testing 8.8cm APHE would not fuze at all up to 60% of the time!!! In American shells you have inverse problem, shells fuzing early and blowing themselves up, leading to 90mm M82 being reliably worse than 76mm M62 early on.

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Ok but just because IRL one time this happened once, doesnt mean in the game It will be the same

The problem is WT advertises itself as being realistic that’s what I’m here for. I’d go play World of Tanks otherwise.

It’s not just the best shells of the game it’s so OP that you get Punished for using any other shell type.

And BR can’t be adjusted? They have to do this all the time with the new weapons they add to the air. You seem to act like BRs never change.

And those are? It’s between nerfing the one OP shell(the minority) or buffing the 10-20 other shells(the majority). The fact is, the easiest solution is always the minority as it is the least amount of work needed.


For what?)
I’m just giving you one of many examples that gaijin abolished realism very long time ago.

But isnt that kind of a problem of simple penetration calculation and missing calculation for deformation of armor?