Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

and this is pretty dumb reason

We have real life US documents that state that out of 502 Shermans of the 1st Army taken out by gun fire from June 1944 to July 1945, only 579 crew were killed, giving an average 1.15 crew killed per Sherman taken out.

Are you going to argue against 502 cases now?





So-called “free thinkers” lmao

I could say the sky is blue and these people would burst in to attack me and say that it’s actually red, just for the sake of opposing me.

I think it’s sad for a person to base their whole personality on merely being/doing/thinking the opposite of another person for the sake of it, but… to each their own.


We also have evicence comparable or larger APHE is in some cases worse in damage than solid shot AP.


Oh really? A shell with 30g of explosive didnt nuked a Sherman like happen in the game? This is very strange…

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Well that I feel just depends on the rounds you’re comparing.

As pointed out, 17 pounder has better penetrative power. While it won’t have more total energy than a 90 mm round, it concentrates that energy a lot more, so more damage doesn’t surprise me.

You have to keep in mind the tests that the British themselves conducted, which, while they do come to the conclusion that APHE isn’t worth it much, they do state it deals more damage.

People can point out 30g isn’t a tiny amount, it’s maybe an amount for a very small hand grenade but considering the sheer mass of extremely hardened steel that surrounds that charge 30g is nothing, at that point it’s debatable if it’s even helping it break up really. As far as I’m aware the reason German HV shells still have filler but in such tiny amounts is because having filler was still a requirement.

The whole point is that solid shot also overperforms if we look at the data, which theoretically is all with APHE.

But I suppose that went over your head.

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This is the excert of the British tests. They find the 90mm shells pretty much worthless (though this is early in the 90mm M82 shells life)

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Indeed 🤔

Guess the same is true for oscillating turrets. One of the many design flaws.

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It’s over.
The vote has fallen.
Billions must cupola snipe.


US APHE design in general was not the greatest.

That’s probably among the reasons why they just didn’t do APHE in the post war years.

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brainless gameplay won


Brainless gameplay is these changes.


I think they were designed with face hardened armor in mind.

I also think I mentioned this before, but I forgot the answer.

My only explanation of why they would put so little effort in a better shell design.
Just in case they encountered tanks with FHA that would stop AP, they had APC to deal with it.

I think the thing that got over your head is the fact War Thunder isnt a 100% accurate-1.15kill-shermancrew-cuzdocumentz, but we are trying to have a bit more realism. War Thunder will never be a 100% realistic game, If this system will be implemented dont worry… you will kill more than 1.15 crew members ;)

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Brainless gameplay is “penetration = guaranteed kill no matter where or how it hits”.


Whatever it advertises itself as is meaningless. Everyone knows WT makes compromises on realistic stuff in order to improve the gameplay. If you want it that hard, include this mechanic only into Sim battles, for now they aren’t too different from RB.

Just buff other shell types

Do you really have a trust in gajin that they will sort it out well? Also, remember that changing BR of ~75% of tanks between rank 1 and 5 at the sime time is different from changing a bunch of overperforming vehicles or decompressing BRs. After such a change low/mid tier ground will most likely be in a state of horrific imabalnce for months or even years until gajin gathers enough data and sorts everything out.

This is just completely and utterly wrong. You don’t seem to understand that this 1 “OP” shell is a primary ammo type on vast majority of vehicles in this game. And some of those “10-20 other shells” are basically a variations of other shells or irrelevant for discussion. Why would you touch things like Shrpanel, ATGM, APFSDS or HEAT-FS that are either irrelevent for the balance at this BR or work fine?

In the end all shells you would actually need to change are: AP and it’s capped variations, APCR, APDS and HESH which are primary ammo type on only a handfull of vehicles when compared to APHE.

Balance issues coming from changing APHE will require much, much more work to fix than changing 4 shell types instead of 1 and all besides HESH in similar manner.

How? Because you need to aim better? XD You are continuing to write no-sense post lmao