I understand today is about APHE but the lack of communication about these issues is frustrating. There have been numerous posts and bug reports that go unanswered.
No, the main arguments against the change are that it will make Heavies much stronger without immediate BR changes to compensate, which leaves the game in a state of imbalance for months to come and that it will make your shots overally less reliable which will affect the overall game experience.
Jumbo has like 5 weakspots a Tiger player can exploit, it’s only your fault you know only about MG port. Not to mention taht at close ranges it can just smash the UFP.
And this change only makes this balancing even harder, as gun gets even more anemic and armor even stronger… That’s why it’s dumb
The T34-85 can pen it’s Mantlet, frontal plate, turret ring and everywhere else
Whats interesting is that if solid shot and other ammo was actually buffed, we would probably see the jumbo go down…
hmm I wonder why
A majority of players said “no” to additional fires and a stun mechanic, and yet there were people who screamed they didn’t know what they were voting on or they were misinformed.
In japan you have absolutely no heavies, and not even a single tank with positive KD at rank 3/4 that are the most affected.
In china the only heavy tanks are IS-2s in which you have a whopping 200 games combined and only 1 of them has positive KD, barely surpassing 1.
Sorry to say that, but you barely know anything about the issue
This just screams the typical “one step forward, two and a half steps back”.
I don’t mind being flanked if I’m playing heavies because that’s an extremely effective way to deal with them and I’m against people that think M18s shouldn’t be good at it
Because misinformation did indeed play a big role during that campaign; many people believed and spread that the stun mechanic would trigger upon ANY impact to the vehicle, including autocanon ricochets, even though the premise was that it would trigger if they were harmed.
As I said back then; it is perfectly fine to vote “no” if you understand and disagree with the suggestion at hand… but, back then, many people were voting “no” right off the bat under wrong premises without understanding or even reading the post in many cases, and even they admitted this to be the case.
That was a different case, not comparable.
How they’re doing it currently is one step forward and one step back, essentially changed mechanics without changing br or anything
But in the long run it’s a change for the better
Jumbo at 5.7 is already a huge stretch, it works okay at it’s own BR, but 5.7 is plagued by uptiers it get absolutely smashed in, i can’t imagine this tank after the changes
I do know what I’m talking about and I don’t think you obsessively rummaging through my stats will change my mind on this, sorry bro
It absolutely is comparable. People voted exactly how they do in real life. Not liking the result is not a reason to demand a revote like people did. The majority said no and that should be that.
woohoo, god bless the light tank (RB) and heavy tank (AB) meta!!!111!!!1
gotta love facing a KT with nothing I can do now lmfao, 'least I am finally into the BR range where I get APHE-lite (God bless 105mm APDS, I love it rahhh)
I disagree. Fixing one thing and not fixing anything else is not a positive step. There’s no good will that they’d turn around and follow up to anything post this changes. The Abrams armor is a perfect example of that.
Sorry to say that, but it is not the case. Enjoy the discussion or whatever, but i am not taking anything from you seriously anymore, as you don’t have enough experience in relevant BRs and classes of tanks to say anything meaningful
We were only informing about the misinformation during the vote- once the vote was over, it was never brought up eveer again; the opinion of the majority was respected even if a good portion of the votes were misinformed.
I have NEVER seen anyone insult someone else because “months ago they voted “No” to the crew mechanics”, in the same fashion I see many people insult others over disagreements in the voting of something that took plave well over 2 years ago by now.
That’s not what I remember.
What I remember people actually arguing with for autocannons is how the sheer number of shots can basically overload the game and eventually find penetration, which would trigger the stun effect even if it theoretically shouldn’t.
It would also make autocannons even stronger when they were legitimately penetrating, because you wouldn’t be able to react to it, you’d just be screwed that very moment.
This is an update I have been waiting for since, forever.
I cant wait for thermonuclear APHE to go away.
How is “hurr durr germany players bad” related in any way to this?