Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Is this official ? Rly on dev server ? They said it would take lot of time, i’ll be surprised if lot meant 1.5 week

If you cant ditch 49% of players you cant even less ditch 51%. Let’s stop Bad faith

No one is ditching anyone as of now.

Ditching would be making a CONCLUSIVE decission.

This is only opening the doors to the possibility of further testing it in order to, later, make the voting again.

And, as I said earlier, when a potential change is subject to voting, it is natural that there’s an inclination towards giving the change a chance and ditching it only if it’s truly opposed by the actual majority.

And also:


Ye that’s exactly why it has been refused every time ? I guess it wasnt majority voting it. Thousand of ppl wanted but remember that there has already been 10 Times more online at same time

You went in all states possibles when we said there could be ppl that hasnt same idea as yours

Your point walks on 1 feet. If it’s 51/49 for yes, then yes wins, but if it’s 51/49 for no, yes wins anyway. Btw any vote closes door to smthg, if you vote yes you delay features that were in work, or would be worked. Gaijin can say whatever they want, not counting the majority isnt fair. Let’s just hope that the result could change with removed bots

Fixing the game should not be up to debate. Should we vote on changing armor thickness or muzzle velocity?


That’s not a fix. A bug is not made on purpose, the shells damage are made on purpose. And ppl can just vote no coz they would rather gaijin to really fix smthg, or work on on other features

Gaijin made a lot of poor decisions. Changing those decisions is fixing them.


No, you fix something that is a bug, aphe isnt a bug. And it appears as poor decisions for you but it can appear as good decision for other persons, and let’s be honest, they’ve not made only bad decision

No, it appears as a bug because it is a bug.

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It depends on why people voted a certain way. If a large portion of votes came in specifically from Russian mains (i.e. what happened) so that there was a disproportionate number of them, then yeah the “majority” shouldn’t be accepted as majority.

Once again, you dont create bug on purpose. This is not a bug, it’s a rework. Btw in the article it’s never mentioned as a bug, it’s said a change

Even if they are russian, they have the right to vote. And we dont know if it’s true, we just have 2 number/100, we’re not gaijin

If the reason they are voting is due to multiple content creators getting non-forum-goers to vote, then the vote doesn’t actually represent a valid sample of the wider playerbase.

More people voting is good because it represents the wider playerbase.

What matters where they got their info from, and whether or not it was biased.

I’ve seen person explaining that if you vote no you were just not able to be counted. These 2 types of persons are the same, but there’s one that will be counted, also the cc is not russian. and what i also dont like is that if that was to vote yes, ppl here would surely dont talk about

More people of only one group specifically voting is not good, as it throws of the validity of the sample. It’s like in a study that is supposed to analyze something on an international basis, but then all of a sudden a third of your sample is American - your data gets thrown off due to the disproportionate number of Americans when nationality isn’t supposed to be a big factor.

They are a group. They acted as they would. I dont say i like how they voted, but they have an account, and the right to vote, they didnt vote several times through few account. They have same value as ppl saying me i just cant vote no, either my vote doesnt deserve to be counted.
Also it’s kinda funny coz we all came here to exchange our opinion to convice person that our votes are good, but critric cc that did it

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The point of the vote is to be a representative sample of the playerbase, not have a disproportionate number of people who will vote one way.

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