Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

These are issues left from the early days of the game, when the penetration system was very simple. Leaving the spherical APHE post pen would be like leaving armor performance as line of sight, instead of the slope modifier system. Just because the issue is old doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be fixed


No, we’re asking to players. Not only you, not only me, everybody. And it’s funny to see that ppl who talk about him (i dont target you) forget the part where we are all here to do same thing, meaning we’re all here to convice ppl that we should vote our vote, and there’s few time no arguments

I wasnt saying this. I was saying and keep saying that a bug is not made on purpose, it’s a fact, i mean it’s literally said by dictionary. And the sphere damage is obviously made on purpose, it acts as gaijin wants it to act, and it’s never mentioned that it’s a fix, gaijin Say is a change

So if Gaijin incorrectly models a vehicles performance, it should be left as is because they made that choice?


It’s not because it’s not accurate that it’s a bug. either they made it because they would badly model it, or they didnt make on purpose and they’ll fix it, coz it’s bug if it wasnt wanted. They Can change something without mandatory being a bug

Seeing what happened with this vote, it would be hilarious if any bug fixes/historical corrections were subject to voting.

Imagine Gaijin giving all T-34s a 1,500hp engine and a 125mm gun, they make a vote to decide whether they should fix it or not, and the “No” option wins because T-34 players just want their OP toy to stay OP xD


I downloaded the dev server and I didn’t notice any changes in APHE, not even the guaranteed ones. I was checking it with the armor analysis tool in the hangar. I didn’t play any battles yet, as it is very late.

The version I have is exactly
I have the minimal client (19.4GB).

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Ironic, because they actually do care about another 50% of the community. Who could have guessed?

Anyway, it’s just a test.

Reminder that:
1: A content creator urged viewers to vote no
2: it wasn’t made clear enough that the vote was for testing the proposed change, not implementation (gaijin had to specify this multiple times, and I’ve seen some people wanting to change their vote once they realized.)
3: the vote was 65-35 at one moment in time (about 20 hours after the vote started), and within 2 hours it went to 50-50. Seems kinda sus man idk bout you

So anyway, there are a few factors that contributed to an unrealistic vote if you ask me.

Oh, and there’s literally no fricken reason not to TEST something, you can actually whine about it when the real vote comes along…


I bet if they redo the vote it will be the same outcome.
I have not listened to a single content creator, yet my vote still was NO.
For the simple reason: I like the game how it is now, i have fun with my german tanks and their good APHE, so why would i want it changed?
Of course i wont get critted often for cupola shots hitting my tiger, but most of the time i am the one who shoots first, and i want my shot to kill the enemy instantly, like it is currently.
I sure hope they dont screw us over again, and only test it on dev server.


I hope they pass the more realistic APHE changes. APHE is way too dumb now.

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And Once again, ppl want vote no doesnt vote no only for their toy not being broken, like person vote yes not only vote yes because they want their toy carrying ap to be better. Ppl can vote no because they prefer gaijin to work on smthg else than this. I’ve said it hundred of times, but still nobody cares and i think you will continue to not care about this, as you have Always done since the release of the article

“Yes” voters represented less than 50%. Even if it’s close to 50, there was more “no”

But we Can vote no also because we would rather gaijin to work on smthg else than this very change. It’s not because it’s a test and we Can vote yes that we must do it

The ppl still voted what they would, since it wasnt the cc himself that voted, even if i disapprove this thing, when i see that ppl try to explain that if i vote, my vote just shouldnt be counted, i place these 2 kind at the same place.

It did this for no to yes, but ppl also changed mind in the opposite sense

It doesnt work like that. You cant stop a poll not at the closing time but when the result is in favor of your opinion. And we’re not all on the same hours, ppl could then not see it as the same time

Already said it, ppl Can vote no because they would rather gaijin to work on smthg else than this very change, you know ppl are all equiped with brain so we can no if we want.
If we can vote no, there is a reason

I have mixed feelings right now. On the one hand, I think it’s good that some kind of test is done with the APHE (it’s something that is needed), but I also think that the issue of damage models is something that should be addressed in its entirety, reviewing all types of bullets.
As I said in my last post, I think it is almost more important to fix the damage of the other bullets than to end the APHE, although if you are going to modify the damage model files, I think that fixing all the bullets would be the most correct.

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*48.61% not 50%


My god! Gaijin why? I wanted testing but not like that! Majority spoke against testing? So no testing!
P.S. I will test anyway and I hope that everyone will test and give an opinion on this!

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@Stona_WT Do you know anything about the APHE rework test? Will it come or not?

A few hours ago a Guy came here to say that he went on the dev server and didnt find any aphe test


There’s also nothing about that in the dev server patch notes.

I downloaded the full client (53.8GB) and as expected it changed nothing. It would be very weird if it did change it.

In test drive there’s also no difference, just like in the hangar.

Currently you can’t play ground AB and RB, and SB is so empty, that I’m not even going to try it (I was the only person in the queue).

I couldn’t find any event tab with the APHE test as well.

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So who’s spreading fake news?