Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Don’t get me wrong, everyone votes for what they want, I’m just saying that for me this change would be largely necessary to improve the balance of the game, but if people end up voting no I can’t do anything, we just have to wait and see if gaijin decides to get involved and do some testing anyway. On the other hand it would be interesting if at least since no won, gaijin proposed instead to improve the damage of all the other bullets, since this would be another of the needs of the game, to remodel the damage of the other bullets giving them more consistency in the damage. Let’s see if gaijin decides to do it, or at least hold a vote, and I hope yes wins with 95%.

Soo. No dev or teaser

Seems irrelevant at that BR. Just spawn in a 2s1 or M109 and one shot every WW2 heavy with a hit to the front plate,who needs APHE?

Well, that’s another topic. I use the M109 in Br 7.7

Not really ,it was another reason for voting no.Simply,Why bother with more changes now heavy WW2 type armour means nothing now anyway? It’s not like you can sit in your Tiger and trade blows with a IS1 without a 2S1 or M109 interfering and blowing you away with one shot.
Those vehicles ended heavies at 6 br , killed dead and the ammo they fire.In a full up tier who uses APHE anyway?

Erm, well aktchually!

BR-365A has been renamed to just BR-365. It is no longer called BR-365A.


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Also keep in mind that with the artillery you have to aim well, and they are low-velocity bullets. Of all the artillery, the one that is possibly the most exaggerated would be the Vidar, with the help of the laser rangefinder.

I didn’t realize they changed it.Apparently it is in all the Soviets.

Was a good while ago, I’ll if I can find the bug report.

Edit: found it immediately. Community Bug Reporting System


Well, the thing is that they still have the extreme penetration modifier on inclined surfaces hehe.

Not really ,any old shot has taken me out.Having a good sniping battle with another enemy and boom ,some guy in a HE firer from the 80s turns up and makes my WW2 armour a sick joke. M51 is a fine example although fortunately with much more random ammo.

When you get to Panthers BR now APHE no longer rules .The way 6BR is now certainly influenced my desire to vote yes to changing anything else so it is very much on topic.
Also the latest map disasters also made me vote no so these issues are linked.People are just distrustful of WT devs making changes.

Soon you will pay for golden bullets like WoT

The damage of the explosive projectiles is more or less well done, since these, unlike the APHE, have very thin walls on the sides and only a little thicker in the front, so when they explode they would do more damage in a sphere, although in any case I imagine that due to the speed of the projectile the damage would be generated a little more forward. Regarding the M51, well, without changing the damage model in general we will see Swings like this, tanks with many years of difference in combat, that is what we have to endure.

Would be cool if Gaijin added the 75 mm M338 round for some US tanks with its blunt nose, as it would get the same insane slope effects.

Information on M338

Here’s the flat penetration and general characteristics.

Here’s a comparison of how it would perform in game, comparing to M61 APCBC. M338 is the red line, M61 is blue line, X axis is angle in degrees, Y axis is penetration in mm.

This round would be capable of penetrating a T-34 on the upper glacis.


I still think that although the good penetration at 60º makes some sense, it seems strange to me that they have the same penetration at 0º as bullets with a sharp tip.

That overall just depends on the characteristics that the rounds have.

M61 has a sharp tip and a cap (sharp is being generous, but that doesn’t matter much now), while M338 has an uncapped blunt nose. With the calculator, that gives M338 a flat pen multiplier of 0.9.

However, M338 has no explosive filler, which decreases the penetration of M61. It also has much higher muzzle energy (1523 kJ vs 1291 kJ), as, despite having a lower weight, the extra velocity more than makes up.

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You are aware that like
The only difference between them and the 1.0 BR tanks like the strumpanzer and stuff is really the turret.

You are aware that the strumpanzer doesn’t spam 6BR games ruining them? I mean with only 2500 games played have you even played 6BR yet? Did play it a couple of years ago when it was the best BR ? Pre Artillery spam?

Stop it with the desperate comparisons …my dude : )

yeah no shit its at 1.0

I have…?

I am up to about 8.7, so yes, I have absolutely played around that BR. Arty vehicles dont ruin it, they are thin-skinned with a massive reload.

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And mobility, reload, modern equipement

I have rarely seen a strumpanzer at 6BR and if 6BR wasn’t so full of arty spam they wouldn’t bother me either.