Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

Ok, so you need more than 100mm of penetration to match a 135mm APHE penetration.What a good balance.

No but are these proposals for every round in the game?

There us no comparison, i am saying crazy shots happen,that is the nature of war.

No, at the moment it is only for the APHE, but the fact that the APHE is fixed does not mean that the other bullets do not need to be fixed, but it is a start.

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So what did you mean by the challenger and HESH?

The fixing of other rounds is not the issue

That’s the balance in game, ap gets more pen but less post pen at same br, arl44 and t34-85 are in exact same br. Then if you critic the fact that +100mm is too much, it means that that ap isnt that bad ? Dont Say me that it’s just that ap that can deals things coz it’s having bad faith that taking only small caliber ap to say all ap are crap, because i Can Do exactly same thing in opposite way : having 230mm in 5.3, and 180 in 5.0 is very good, even if the 5.0 isnt a nuke then i say ap are op, even if they arent. These arent clearly the least usuable Shell (apcr)

You mention that the APs are balanced by penetration, so from what I explained before, to be balanced you must have more than 100mm advantage. It seems horrible to me that this is needed, since it is aberrant that you have to have 100mm to equal an APHE, while if you adjust the APHE there would be no need to make this absurd balance. In any case, the superior penetration does not matter, it can be 100 more or 200 more, if the APHE have enough penetration they are still better. As a colleague said, finding tanks invulnerable to APHE of the same Br only happens on very rare occasions, and in any case they will mainly be invulnerable only from the front, with which using your head a little you will get past it and kill it with one shot with your APHE, while if it is with an AP many times you will only kill one crew member, he will turn around and kill you with APHE, since at the end of the day most of the time you will kill a crew member, he will turn around and kill you with APHE, since in the end … Tanks with heavy armor have APHE as their main ammunition (how curious).


No, the ap has +100mm of pen but has also a decent post pen dmg (of course less than 85), enough to one shot. Arl 44 gun is better than d-5t because you can literally aim everywhere to pen and can one shot tanks too. It’s same br coz of a worse loading time, mobility and turret rotation

Wrong, +100mm does the difference. In arl, you Can front Pen a panther without having to aim mantlet, and you Can deal with jumbo, these 2 things you cant do in 85, even more interesting, you Can one shot the panther by firing in the front plate, but you cant in 85 by aiming turret. An ap that pen does more dmg than an aphe that doesnt pen.

Then it’s not in any case. And it’s also thr reason of the presence of the aphe in game, it’s literally made to have the best post pen dmg in game, it’s as if i told you that apcr are better coz have better pen. The power of the shell isnt only its ability to do post pen dmg, the Pen it has, and its velocity matters

Not true agin, germany and USA, where you find most thick front plate at this rank, are the most played tree.

Wrong again, firstly because that crew Can be the gunner, and secondly because subatomic ap doing little to no dmg doesnt mean all ap do this, thirdly because nothing prevents you to shoot at the ammo

And to change this is still wrong, there are heavy made for ap. Take for example french 7.7-8.0.

It’ll certainly harm those below but that’s not the argument. As it stands an APHE will hurt those below and literally behind and even to the opposite side of the tank. Shoot a Conqueror’s cupola and observe how the shrapnel can reverse and travel the entire length of the tank and kill the driver. Better yet drive the massive Tortoise and send an APHE into the gun pack and watch how it can magically decimate most of the crew. It’s completely broken and matches zero official documentation as to how APHE should behave.

That’s 100mm of extra penetration in a one off instance. Almost every gun that fires APHE has more than enough penetration to kill anything frontally and in one shot. Both rounds will penetrate but only one will detonate an entire vehicle no matter where it hits 90% of the time.

Not totally all, and for this not totally, i Can admit that having +100 is game changer.
In t34-85 what would you do vs a panther, it’s way easier to get out in a arl44 having 100 more mm, same for a jumbo, an is, a tutel. Dont say me it’s not common to find these tanks

What would I do to a panther? Shoot the turret and kill it with one shot, or what I do, wait for it to pass and kill it from the side.
Depending on which tank you use, you have to adapt to its advantages. You can’t use the T-34 the same as the ARL, but if you use both well, with the T-34 you will kill a lot more, because you won’t only find very armored tanks, and if you find them, you can shoot them in the weak points or hide, flank and kill them from the side. On the other hand, with the ARL from the front, it will depend on luck to kill with one shot, and from the side it will be even more difficult to kill, since the spalling goes forward.


You’re not gonna one shot him, and it’s harder to shoot the mantlet than the front plate, idk why are’t you agree

Arl has a decent post pen dmg (even more with 240mm Pen), it’s enough to one shot plenty tanks, and from the side just aim ammo, but the avantage being that with its Pen, you dont need to flank you played it you should know, i dont know what you imagine.
It appears logic at least for balance, that aphe has the advantage of a better post pen, while ap has better pen

It’s not worth it to me. Having a decent postpen doesn’t mean it kills in one shot, while APHEs do 95% of the time. If you don’t kill in one shot, before you reload again a lot of things can happen, the enemy can hide, or another enemy kills you before you shoot, or you don’t kill the shooter or he kills you. The game is full of variables, and APHE wins in all of them, because the most important thing in this game is to kill, and mainly the first shot to be able to change targets, and there is only one bullet that does it 95% of the time, the APHE. That’s why if you look at any player who plays minimally well, and who uses all types of tanks, they will always have more kills with tanks with APHE than with other types of tanks.

You Can still one shot with ap, proof with arl44 that Can one shot what you want, even without shooting the ammo. No need to have a lot of smthg when a little part of this thing is enough. You have like 150 games in arl, im surprised you dont agree

Because if you can’t kill sometimes with one shot with AP, you couldn’t even defend this yourself.

You can’t always shoot exactly where you want, and often times players will take off most of your ammo, which oddly enough makes you even harder to kill with AP. On the other hand, my games with the ARL were when APs were the biggest piece of junk in the game, and on top of that the 90mm bullet couldn’t penetrate the Panther in the hull, like 3 or 4 years ago. However, I have used other AP tanks more recently, and although they have improved quite a bit in damage compared to 5 years ago, they are still at a disadvantage in most situations that occur in a game compared to APHE.

Nor with aphe

It Can happen with ap but also with aphe, that even mean that ap is more useful since it has more pen, ap that pen does more dmg than aphe that doesnt pen

The same thing I’d have to do in a Firefly. Except with the T34-85 I have a considerably greater chance to one shot the Panther due to APHE magically being able to send shrapnel backwards killing the driver along with the turret crew.

Most AP only tanks have to hit the turret and kill one or two crewmembers at a time, meanwhile his buddies have every chance in the world to kill you whilst you wait for his crewmembers to be replaced so you can kill them again… and again.

What does the Panther have to do to the T-34? Just aim anywhere and destroy it. How about the Firefly? Just aim anywhere and destroy it.