Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

are there any lore reasons why gaijin chose to make a vote before the test instead of after it so players can test the change themselves and then decide whether it should be added or not?

Gaijin said it would take a long time to implement. If there isn’t any demand for it, then why would they waste time making it in the first place?

To be honest, I have no idea why Gaijin decided to hold a vote lately, when he has literally ignored the community’s requests for over 10 years. Why is he doing it now? I don’t know, maybe they decided to change their relationship with the community, or they got scared of losing players and want to keep the players they have.

I think it would me a day to write some code that changes APHE behaviour.
They already have code for AP spalling, it’s practically the same deal.
It’s just a few lines of code that take shell data and turn it into shell fragmentation.

They also have realShatter. In theory realShatter should already do exactly that what APHE is supposed to be doing.

And it’s Gaijin, so it’s just going to be some very simplified representation of the actual physical behaviour.

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But it would take them 12 months to do it. Don’t you see that they don’t want to do something that doesn’t bring them quick money?

It would certainly take them 12 months to balance the vehicles after APHE got changed.

Yes, because they are slower at balancing tanks than at modifying the programming of the entire game.

Dont wanna disrespect you but I think gaijin knows better than you what to do, and how much time it would take

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That’s one area where War Thunder has had to use made up numbers as most of it is classified information yet people demand modern tanks. Even so bug reports are made where official documentation is presented to correct armour values etc. Awfully in depth for a game with no “realism”. Didn’t Gaijin themself say that they access historical archives for older tanks etc for data to be used in game?

I was responding to a post. It also isn’t false, clicky cockpits doth not make a flight model. I can say from experience that the War Thunder Spitfire is superior to the DCS Spitfire in terms of realism, play both games and compare the performance to pilot accounts. These comments about flight models being basic are from those using instructor in RB. Try Sim and like I said take the Spitfire for a spin (probably literally if you’re ham fisted).

Penetration is almost meaningless as almost every tank can frontally penetrate what it faces barring some very rare exceptions.

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In a vacuum, perhaps. Integrating it into existing engine that’s been developed for 15 years by 5 guys before you is a much more tricky matter.

One shots everything

Exactly, you just have to ask yourself this question, which is better? The Sherman VC with its 190mm of penetration or the T-34 85 with its 135mm of penetration against the 100mm armour of a Tiger. The Sherman would only have an advantage in the hypothetical case that the Tiger only has its turret visible, and even then hitting the mantlet does not ensure penetration, apart from the fact that with the APHE, a shot in the cupola would kill all the turret crew or even destroy the tank. In short, a 135mm APHE bullet is better than a 190mm AP.

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A challenger 1 was destroyed by friendly when hesh hit an open hatch so these things do happen.How many of you who say the current system is unrealistic served in any army ?


By the logic presented the German 88 is a worse gun than the 17lber. I’d gladly swap my higher penetrating solid shot for a one-hit easymode death nuke that still frontally penetrates everything it encounters.

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How about every single piece of documentation provided by the people who serve in the army? Happy to provide multiple links with diagrams that clearly show a cone of destruction left by APHE at not a death orb.

You’re also comparing two completely different rounds.

What about a 240mm Pen ap in France 5.3? It makes the difference on a panther plate

An APHE shell entering the tank through the cupola is like an airburst for everyone below it.have you even been in a tank ? Many german tanks were incredibly cramped inside,the tiger certainly is.

For the plane, go in private message.

Penetration is almost meaningless as almost every tank can frontally penetrate what it faces barring some very rare exceptions.

Wrong, a +100mm Pen Can do the difference, take for example french 90mm vs d5-t, same br

However, in the game you shoot a HESH at an open truck and only kill one crew member. Is that normal?

The ironic thing is that he is comparing the APHE (the best bullet in the game) with the HESH (by far the most mistreated bullet).