Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes


“Beat me”? Interesting choice of words. Whoever you are are, russian or Chinese, you obviously see this as some kind of battle that needs to be won through force of arms/votes by your own side, rather than a civilized discussion aimed to establish what the majority of this community considers to be best for them and the game.

I’m going to disagree with you. A simple majority is 51%, a clear majority being 60%+. Regardless of your stance on something, a simple majority should be enough. And some proposals are going to split the player base right down the middle. Thats just how voting works. Very few polls in the past have ever been 60% or higher, so setting the bar that high seems ridiculous.

Players need faith Gaijin will act respectfully to the polls and disregarding an outcome because it’s 51/49 or 52/48 is incredibly disingenuous and disenfranchising. I would say the issue is players like you not being able to accept that rather than Gaijin and the bar Gaijin sets for its polls.

Sometimes, actually most times, it will be right down the middle.

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Any proposal that does that, is a shit proposal and it’s a sign that it needs to be reworked and voted on again until a clear majority (which everywhere is considered to be 2/3rds and not 61%) has accepted it.

Or just respected and pushed through/dropped. Because how much development time should be spent revising something? What if the revision and its new proposal gets the exact some percentage? Because again, you’d have to take feedback from both sides to remain fair. If another 52/48 vote comes in, I don’t fault Gaijin for saying we are going with the 52%. That’s just how voting works.

No, it’s not how it works. Majority is majority

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The old saying of “whether you win by an inch or by a mile, it’s still a win.”

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Thanks to the punctualization. Even if I want this change I will respect that not everyone is “with” me


You Can also accept this poll

Everywhere ? Absolute majority is over 50%, not 61, or ⅔, and even if 52-48 is not enough, it’s still more than half voting no

in voting, a majority is considered 66-67%

It also seems like gaijin should focus on fixing the anticheat more than making changes to something that has stayed the same for the games lifespan

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It’s more that it’s on ppl apreciation, majority is relative with less than 50 but with highest %, and absolute with 50+ (but kinda foolish in this case since you have only 2 votes possible). And i think 50+ is enough if we search a majority, because in this case not doing the change would be same as no wins, but if it was opposite, it would have changed the results

That’s a supermajority. A regular majority could be just 51%.

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That’s a MATHEMATICAL majority though lol.
anything above 50%, which is correct.
But this is a VOTE meaning it needs to be 66-67%. Imagine if IRL you had a communist guy win over another elector just because he had 0.1% more, this is why this is applied to voting a mathematical majority wouldn’t make sense and would cause dissent (as seen in the whole thread above) and a split between the community (again in this thread)

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Mathematical majority are what i said previously, not your 66%, so yes anything above 50 is absolute majority

Then the Guy with 0.1% would win, it already happened btw

It would, i mean at the end, we follow the majority that is wining, i’d even Say it doesnt make sense to not follow the opinions that’s the most voted

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The opinion on whether a mathematical majority or a supermajority is better comes down to the person themselves

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Here in Italy if no one has 50%+1 vote we don’t go to the ballot (redoing the voting). In this case there 51/52% on a 2 choiche question, so no need of ballot

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This shouldn’t come down to a vote. It should simply be implemented. APHE is completely and utterly broken and makes all other rounds obsolete. To those saying “it’ll make gameplay worse!” I fail to see how being unrealistically killed by a poor shot near the engine bay due to shrapnel magically flying backwards is “good gameplay”.

Seems to me like people are more afraid of actually having to aim more than anything else. If this doesn’t go through then lets make AP and APDS bounce around inside the enemy tanks until every crewmember is killed, 1-shot kills for everyone… and it’s just as realistic as APHE is at the moment.


Why are you not just happy that gaijin let us the choice for the direction that wt will take. If we look at the poll it looks like you’re even wrong, they should have done the poll to see ppl dont want it. And also we’re not a contradiction short, ppl review bomb wt when they havent choice for game changer update, but they grumble when they have it, because they have it. It’s not hard to be happy that gaijin let us the choice

It looks also like ppl are not agree with you, or at least think there are more importants fixes.