Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

I have been playing about 3 years maybe nearly four.The shot or AP and APHE to my knowledge has always been the same.The only thing that needed to improve was me as a player.

Now I am used to both types of ammo and not looking forward to change.

Now I am over the shock of using solid shot after so much APHE I admire the differences in playing the UK or France using WW2 tanks. A less amoured tank with a slightly less effective round is a challenge.
Its harder and forces you to focus ,maybe even approach the game in a different way.

I dont want to go off topic(God knows I don’t) but we have so much instability with maps currently and a rage about ODL and Uptiers is this a good time to make such a change? I can see you have played some games ,do you desperately you need this?

How would I balance it?

I would let the players use it and see it fall where it may. If a given ammunition type actually works well enough to be a main-use round, then the vehicle in question will actually be entertaining to play.

Remember, most Shermans with such rounds will still be glass cannons - slightly better than the Strv 74 in most cases. The Jumbos will be akin to the KV-220 (75mm one) and T-44/85.

APCR will still bounce easily off armor sloped more than 30 degrees from flat. Annoying as it may be, such bouncing is more or less historically accurate - the nose of the round breaks off from the uneven impact forces.

As for when you would use other shells? Side shots. APHE will still be a strong round - slightly better than solid AP. Initially cripple your foe with an APCR round, finish with APHE if the latter can pen the target.

American APCR really should be terrifyingly strong up to the long 90mm size.

  • 90mm M304 should pen 317mm flat.
  • 90mm M332 should pen 390mm flat.
  • 90mm M332A1 (M47 and M48, formerly also on the Jpz 4-5) should pen 425mm flat.
  • 90mm T44 (the long 90) should pen 373mm flat. This is the round said gun was built around.

The 105mm and 120mm rounds would also be quite potent at 381mm (T28, T29, T95) and 453mm (T34).


Slow down there Captain America. :)

Here’s what I think: instead of giving all 75mm Shermans an experimental round that was never used in combat, just accept that these tanks are very good all around medium tanks, and not tank destroyers. They are supposed to have some weaknesses and beign all around good means they are not exceptional at anything specific. And struggling with fighting higher tier heavy tanks is one such weakness.

I’d rather have them where they’re now, instead getting their BR changed to 4.7 to match that of 76mm Shermans, don’t you?

Hopefully Gaijin does testing anyway, seeing how the poll was so closely split.

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I hope it too, but it won’t be fair to who voted no

I think a conclusive decission is only fair when it’s backed up by a large majority (+66%).

However, when it’s as close as 49-51%, I think the fair thing is to continue elaborating until the majority veers off more towards an option.

Otherwise, pretty much half the playerbase is being screwed over the other half.

The problem of your idea is that which decision would you take with 52-48 since none got to ⅔ you cant choose one ? And you need to give a closing day, you wont continue it after, either it could looks like the poll is biased (you wait to get a result that you like to close). The thing being that 52 represents more than 48, even if not that much, but let’s see how’s the difference after removing possibly unreliable votes


Repeat the poll. This time with a 72 hours warning before it starts.

You can’t do that lol it’s like the Avengers Endgame where they used the time travel to go back in time to unfk things and change the result, that’s straight up cheating bro


I mean the thing’s harder to stay alive in than it seems at first that’s my first hand account, so yeah it’s pretty funny while it lasts :3

Yep, good analysis. But WT game doesn’t need to be artificially longer . If you excuse me a joke “git gut”


Why am not surprised?

So, explain this to me, tovarish: what is there to be afraid of if the results we got accurately reflect the wishes of the playerbase? We will just waste a bit of time and get pretty much the same outcome this time around that confirms the previous result.


Yes, now we wait his response but I think it doesn’t make sense. We have a result let time pass and then remake this survey

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That’s exactly what i said, you dont stop the poll until you have a result that you like, this thing would be worthless coz the person who created the poll himself is biased

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You say that gaijin should do a poll about this topic until yes wins, and you say that it would refelct the wishes ? I hope i didnt understand (btw it’s a real question im not sure about what you meant)

Yes but also no need also to persist 3 morbillions times on it and if there are others poll to do, let’s do it on others topics, ppl say that this is not the first time the subject is put on the table, and i guess never been accepted

I am saying that if the result we got this time was not a fluke, we would get a similar distribution of “Yes” and “No” votes the second time too.

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Then why should gaijin do another poll ? And i guess if it’s still for no, you would ask another poll ?

Ppl are not voting depending the face of the penny that appears

I personally won’t.
Can’t speak for the rest of us but I will accept the results of another poll made now, after we all had time to discuss this idea for a few weeks and formed opinions on it.

Chinese btw, and I didn’t vote, so that’s two L’s for you lol.

Let’s put it this way, you have a match against this guy and you get KO’d, now you want a rematch but at the same time request for the first match to be declared a draw or asking for a second round so you could have a chance to turn things around? That is ridiculous, it’s not about him going to beat you again, it’s about why do you think you deserve another shot in the first place?