Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

What I find funny about all this is that, after years of insistence from the community, gaijin added the change of the APHE to his roadmap, only to end up holding a vote and the no won, haha.

Ok, but it should just mean that it wasnt most of the community wanting that

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I was fucking READING! MY MAN ! Do you know what reading is? Do you know what is text comprehension especially for a non English speaker?

Well, I doubt that the majority of players voted.

If it Can helps he wasnt saying that you put time to respond because you had nothing to do, but he said that ppl awnser Always the same thing without counting what other says. He wasnt really reffering to lasts posts, neither you precisely

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You doubt, but i know that among the one who voted, majority voted no. Too bad for the one who didnt take time to vote, or didnt know

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Ok my bad. I’m starting to lose hope that we can maintain a civil conversation

The bad thing about making that damage model is that I don’t see gaijin modeling fragment rebounds inside a tank and making a correct fragmentation of the bullet pieces and the pieces of the armor itself.

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It is at least a better gauge of the community then the forum- the forum is a fucking echo chamber lmfao

To be fair, BR for BR, solid shot/APCR/Whatever tends to have more penetration- look at the 6pdr. Imo this is honestly how it should be, with each round having distinct advantages and disadvantages- i.e. APHE for postpen and weakspot hunting on heavies, AP for more pen and ability to punch through engines and such, and APCR/APDS for pure penetration.

The main issue I see right now is that solid shot doesnt have enough advantages to outweigh the effectiveness of APHE- which can be easily fixed by buffing solid shot (Especially non-APCBC, that is really where it sucks), which balances it out while not causing the major balance issues that nerfing APHE causes.


~AMX-13 (FL11)~

Yep I know but that’s doesn’t correlate to the change to shell damages

I was and I’m aware, and I’m fine with those. The shells I’m not fine with are: Long 88, Soviet APHE and Italian 90mm. Maybe I’m forgetting something but I’m not a machine
This is a complicated topic, I am almost fine with the current state of the shells, but I would like to try the “realistic” change Gaijin proposed because it’s a +1 to the realism they advise about the game

That would be nice in WOT, where damage is based on points, and you do it by penetrating, so APHE does more damage but AP penetrates more. But in War Thunder it’s different, here doing more damage inside is killing, and you can die from one shot, that’s why the 6pdr penetrating 30mm more is inferior to the American 75mm.

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I find the stuarts actually pretty decent- with APCBC the 37mm is pretty damn good imo.

The AMX-13 has aphe lmao

And the cromwell is odd, but it gets the 6pdr soo…

I honestly prefer a 6pdr to a 75, and imo they are very comparable guns.

Postpen aint matter if you cant pen, and as long as AP can still reliably kill when aimed well its fine- and the 6pdr certainly can.

The AMX 13 (FL11) does not

  • Stuarts are decent but a little inconsistent, same as Cromwell (sometimes when I fight them they are inconsistent)

A lot of those (iirc) have overpressure, which would explain why.

I do think its necessary for 122s and such though, given the massive reload. I personally dont have much issue with the russian 76s or 45s, though.


It does. Generally if it has M61, it has APHE- it isnt called APHECBC though, only APCBC.

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Lol 🤣 you are right! But writing APHECBC on the wiki was too difficult?

Its actually only called APCBC ingame :>

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Fr**ch naming conventions be like: