Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

ok but tbf the US does it too

I know, I’m Italian so I need to be mad at France by default! XD

As for the damage, I prefer the APHE by far. Maybe the damage of the AP and other bullets could be improved, and above all, what I think is a bug could be fixed, which is that sometimes penetrations do not do damage or a module or crew member for that damage. I would possibly prefer the AP of the 6pdr, but as I say, those changes would be necessary.


Probably I’m going to stop reading this topic. But essentially you have a good point: improving damage instead of nerfing things. Sooner or later maybe this proposed change will be implemented and AP will be consistent and “viable”

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Oh, I’m saying that AP will be considered viable besides of the APHE nerf

For me there are two options, the one that for me would be better is to modify the damage of the APHE to how it should be, then improve the damage of the other bullets, then give fragment ricochets to all the bullets, and then make it easier to destroy the tanks, in short as realistic as possible, one penetration = almost always one death. Or the other possibility is almost the opposite, give the correct damage to the APHE and make the damage of the other bullets more consistent.

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Both are good

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Which M3/M5? Are we talking Stuarts, Lees or the AT halftracks?
M3/M5 don’t matter since the reload is so fast you can just 2 hit enemies, besides your enemies have like 0 armor.
AMX-13 FL11 feels like a nitpick, considering it is very good flanking and fighting in extreme close quarters combat (Good example being north holland map, rushing the car factory is a guarantee 4-6 kill if you play right)
Which cromwell? Cromwell V has a good gun and trades pen for armor, while the 3.3 Cromwell I trades Battle rating for more Pen and spall damage.

If it doesn’t correlate to shell damage why discuss it? Cheaters will exist anyway and giving them second chances by making shells deal less damage would just hurt the game long term.

The German Long 88 is a problem and I can agree with that… But Italian and soviet guns??? Which ones are you talking about specifically for the soviets lol, the 57mm does like 0 damage and only has good pen against medium armored targets, the 85mm has no pen compared to the long 88 and is horrible compared to the gun of the Sherman IC and VC lol because;

  1. it does less damage
  2. it has less penetration
  3. it does little to no spalling
  4. it bounces more often on heavier targets
    The Italian 90mm…
    How do I put this lightly other than “Skill issue”… to be honest lol… it’s on 2 artillery tanks, literally learn to play against those and stop complaining or don’t even mention it.

Besides realism isn’t always bestism we should all take creative liberties when making games.


I continue to don’t understand what you are saying: less damage by cheaters or to cheaters?

I’m talking about the 90mm one, I like to use that but I think the receiver will not be happy of my one shot gun

Lol, I play with that not against that!

The 76 don’t exist?

It was. I also think that flanking need to be allowed again

Well, yes. But pen and spall on the V are inconsistent. That’s the problem

what was the poll % in the end ??

Okay good for you that you’re using the 90mm? I dont see why you’d want to nerf it when its the only reliable AT gun at that BR for italy

The Russian 76mm loses against any other gun at 4.0-5.0, it’s only a stopgap gun that has good spalling performance but performs poorly when matches with medium targets of the same or higher BR.

I have a 4 to 1 KD in the Cromwell V, but only 2 to 1 in Cromwell I, the Cromwell V is good because the armor is reliable and the pen is on par with the russian 76, same for angle performance and damage.
The spall is only inconsistent if you’re hitting a tank that has fuel tanks next to multiple crew - otherwise it simply goes through the whole tank and works like an AoE effect compared to the Cromwell I’s more concentrated high damage shrapnel.

52.15%, or something like that in favour of “No, we don’t want to test these features”


As frustrating as I find solid shot in the game playing UK and France I also understand that ,that is the game.It is a different challenge .I mean even playing Sweden at 4BR with the SAV and 103 is a different game to Russia and Russia different to Germany etc .That is what I like about the game and I dont want that to change.

I think the trouble with War Thunder is it creates or even stumbles onto really good elements then paves over them at a later date to appease those who are either too unintelligent or inexperienced enough to understand the nuances that were there.

Same with maps.The whole idea of the map often goes over the heads of the stupid .There was a time when each map demanded different attention and maybe favoured different vehicles. Now they are all snooker tables.

Trouble we are never satisfied and we never announce it when War Thunder has got it right. Gaijin never go back on anything, they make a mistake in the game but will never reverse it.
That may be why people are reluctant to even try new shell physics.

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It would do overpressure anyway
For the rest of your points it’s true and I don’t think I could be able to argue. But the 76 is a very good gun against armour of that BR. Not in absolute terms, but good for sure.

Last thing. Can you explain this?

Holy words my guy! Now we need a AP buff and going on to play like that, then if Gaijin will make other things better, we may try those changes. Until then we need to do a review lifting (or positive review bombing, IDK how do we say) when Gaijin make a good change

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my guy I would take a KV-1 over an Ikv any day jesus christ

I do agree with this, but even for what they are they are horribly lacking right now. Stuff like solid AP/APC/APBC is very, very lacking in postpen damage, and all solid shot is inconsistent as all hell.



Less damage to cheaters, talking from experience, since they started nerfing shells penetration before nerfing armor, take the T-50 for example which seemed to be a favourite, same for the T-34. Before the Shell nerfs it was okay if you ran into them because you could one hit them from the side, but then the shell update happened and the game was unplayable at 1.0-3.3 (at least in Arcade) due to cheaters back in 2022 and it took them 2 months to update the armor model of the T-50 to not be a 50mm hull, but rather a 26mm one which can easily be penetrated by most tanks now.
Once again they decided to nerf penetrations of APHE/Certain American shells and guess what? cheater favourites in the form of T-34s are returning again, gee whiz i wonder why?

Also about the italian 90mm, theres the swedish 75mm at 4.0 which is very similar to it - same damage model and everything i think (I seriously cant tell the difference between Breda 501 and the Swedish Pvkv m/43 1946)

Anything else you’d like to discuss?

Personally I’d take both Ikv 72 and Ikv 103 over KV-1s as a KV-1 is just a giant moving explosive fuel tank.
The Ikv 72 simply because it can easily kill T-34s and Ikv 103 because of the HE filler.